06 Mar focus52 march 6 to 12
The majority of you have been here since the start of this project and I’m really happy that we’ve picked up quite a few new members along the way. I hope we continue to grow and add new members to our group and that we continue to inspire one another with our work, stories and comments, and community.
For me, that’s what it’s all about. Sharing, encouraging, growing in my craft and watching others do the same. It really wouldn’t be all that much fun with just a party of one, would it?
Although a good portion of this group claims photography as their creative outlet, we also have writers, scrapbookers and artists in our midsts. Hopefully, that portion of our group will continue to grow as well. Creativity is creativity and we can all learn something from one another.
With that in mind, this weeks focus52 prompt is
* variety *
click to define
Variety. The spice of life. And thank goodness for that.
As always, the prompt can be interpreted in any way you like, in whatever medium you choose, and it’s entirely up to you whether or not you’d like to use it.
The linky for last week’s work closes tomorrow evening so there’s still time to link up your stuff from week nine if you haven’t yet. I’d really like to see more of our flickr members sharing their work here.
Have a great week!
Posted at 21:14h, 06 MarchJanice, I have no idea what’s going on around here so I’m going to have to read back to find out. There is no way I’m missing out! x
Posted at 21:23h, 06 MarchI rarely know what’s going on around here either.
LOL! kidding :)
Come join in! We’d love to have you!
Posted at 01:06h, 11 MarchI am not crafty enought! But I will follow with great enthusiasm. x
Posted at 23:32h, 06 MarchGAh. I so need to hop back on the wagon. Been a busy month!
Posted at 23:45h, 06 MarchGet your butt in gear, Missy :)
Posted at 10:53h, 07 MarchOk. I’m sorry. I really am. SSSOOOOO far behind! It’s amazing I made straight A’s in high school and in what college classes I took with this sort of thing going on *lol*
I will have a post up about “Celebrate Me”, but I won’t link it, it’s too far back. And I will do a separate post for each of the others, Aged and Variety, too. I am spanking my own hand, by golly!
Posted at 11:47h, 07 MarchLOL! happens to all of us at some point or another :)
Don’t worry about catching up, unless you want to.
Just jump right back in with this week’s!
Posted at 23:37h, 07 MarchHave you two officially met? Jan, this is Christie. She is one of my oldest (meaning longest, as I know she will be quick to point out that I am substantially older than she) and dearest “online” friends. 13 years now, I believe, since we encountered one another in a random meeting in a chat/roleplay arena. She is an exceptional writer, especially in the sci fi/fiction genre. And, despite being a total redneck and believing that world should be one big barefoot Walmart…she and I have managed to fall in love. She got me to appreciate the joy of the flip flop. I am STILL working on getting her into a pair of heels…but I am optimistic that day is coming.
Christie, this is my beloved Jan. While I have only known her for a mere 5 years or so, she is one of the first members of the blog community that I became very close to. She has been a huge beacon of support and love for me, picking up YOUR slack during the time when you and I lost touch. She is outgoing without being obnoxious, beautiful without even having to see her and kind to a fault. She can also be a raging bitch when pushed…but one of this “kill ’em with kindness” types that eat people like you and I for breakfast. You know the type…the kind of person who can insult you while making it sound like they are praising you…and it is about several hours later before you realized you got dissed?? LMAO
The fact that you two have made your way to one and other brings me a HUGE amount of joy. You are both EXTREMELY special people to me who have brought me so much comfort and laughter over the years. And, you both have the distinction of being on my “Bucket List”, meaning…people that I HAVE to have lunch with before I die. Lunch meaning sex, of course. LMAO
Seriously, Jan is one of the most talented photographers and graphic artists I have ever met. Christie is one of the best dark fiction writers I know. And me? Well, I’m just wonderful for knowing the both of you…and really believe that your lives have been truly enhanced since you met me. No, really. I believe that wholeheartedly. It’s just unfortunate that more people don’t know me. It would probably end war, lower the national deficit and stop global warming if more people only took the time to know me. *Shaking my head forlornly* I really need to go on a world tour…an ambassador of good will type mission. People just NEED to know me. I feel bad for those who don’t…but you two, oh, the luck you both have to not only know me for so long…but to allow me to let you adore me as you do? Why, you both won the friendship lottery! Better than a Powerball ticket any day, I tell you. *snorts*
Anyway, I am so glad Christie took up this project. And, I am thrilled that Jan started it.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand, I love you both all the muches. No, really. I do. And by love, I mean, have sex.
Posted at 00:05h, 08 Marchbuahahahahaaaaa!
omg I don’t even know where to start to reply to all that.
Love you, you crazy woman. You are the shit, no two ways about it.
And it’s been more like 9 to 10 years, but hey, who’s counting? ;)