spark your creativity with Lori McDonough!

It was a happy day the day I came across Lori McDonough’s portfolio. It’s no secret that I have a huge love of illustration, especially the cute and kitschy hand drawn type. Lori’s creativity never fails to bring a smile to my face and immediate brainstorming about where in my home I could place her latest work. Here she shares her tips on charging your creative batteries, as only Lori can :)


Hello, creative people! First of all, let me say, I am honored that Janice asked me to be a guest blogger this week. Really, it’s a thrill. Second…big happy wishes to our birthday girl, Jan!! May this be your best year yet!!!

Ahhh, creativity. Some days, it pours out of me like a waterfall and other days it eludes and taunts me. It’s a fickle thing, really. It doesn’t matter what your particular creative genre is… all creative types battle with it. So, I thought I would share with you some of my tips and tricks for sparking that creative fire within.

…and if all else fails, chocolate makes everything better! Happy creating!


Isn’t she great?! Love her to death. Lori blogs and posts her works regularly at Fresh Picked Whimsy and on her facebook page, and you can find her wonderful illustrations available on Etsy at Whimsy Studios and for print use on Pingg.  For one lucky focus 52’r, Lori has generously offered your pick of ANY one of her illustrated prints available in her Etsy shop. Have fun with that, because I certainly wouldn’t be able to pick a favorite (although I’m loving this latest one from her!). To be eligible for the giveaway, you must be a member of focus52 (you can join anytime!), you must link up your work for this week on our regular weekend linkup (starts tonight!), your linkup this weekend must follow the normal focus52 guidelines, and you can only link up once. One lucky winner for this giveaway will be determined next Tuesday, via, from the weekend’s entries.

Note that, as always, you do not need to follow this week’s word prompt to be eligible to win. But seeing as how it’s my birthday and all … *ahem*.

Huge thanks to Lori for taking the time to be here today and creating such a great illustration to inspire us all. Big kisses!!!

  • Bari
    Posted at 14:25h, 25 February Reply

    I was too distracted by all the cuteness to finish reading. I need to go back and try again. Great illustrations. I am a sucker for that too!

    • janice
      Posted at 14:30h, 25 February Reply

      Lori rocks :)

  • Tug
    Posted at 20:03h, 25 February Reply

    I love her artwork, and all of these are fabulous ideas! Some I hadn’t thought of, and some I seriously needed reminded of. Awesome.

    • janice
      Posted at 20:09h, 25 February Reply

      She’s so talented and so FUN!

  • April
    Posted at 23:35h, 26 February Reply

    Oh I LOVE this list, and your awesome sauce illustrations :)

    • janice
      Posted at 02:19h, 28 February Reply

      I know, right? I was blown away :)

  • alison
    Posted at 00:19h, 27 February Reply

    So true – and the most lovely illustrations! Exactly the kind of sketches I always wished I could make :)

    • janice
      Posted at 02:20h, 28 February Reply

      me too! She’s so talented.

  • Brad Fitz
    Posted at 11:31h, 01 March Reply

    What a great list this is, thanks for posting it Janice… it really got me to thinking how to get out of this rut I’ve been in. The dog days of winter up here in Maine really have me needing fresh warm sun. (Number 4!)

    I also love the format of this list with the illustrations, but of course, I’m partial to funny little cartoon pictures. :)

    Hey, I just noticed that “Janice” has “nice” in it. :)

  • CP
    Posted at 19:30h, 01 March Reply

    #8 For the win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry. But you know me and shopping. You don’t have to tell ME twice. LOL

    Great list…I took a screen shot, printed it and it is on my cork board next to my desk now! Motivation!

  • Maxabella
    Posted at 21:12h, 06 March Reply

    Love this site! So glad I followed the link from 74 Lime Lane today.

    Lori, your work looks so great! What a find. I am all for number 4. Whenever I’m in a creative slump, I find just 10 minutes with nature gets my creativity sparking again. x

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