score! {291/365}

I had no idea this book was even out!
LOVE me some Sophie Kinsella.  I have everything she’s ever written, some read two or three times.

She cracks me up.

I’ve put her aside for the moment though, because she’s book-crack, and I have things to do.

For the moment ;)

(book-crack: a heightened state of severe book addiction whereby you are unable to account for large blocks/periods of time and emerge from a strange state of other-worldliness to find a messy house, over-flowing ashtrays and an empty coffee pot)


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  • Jamie S
    Posted at 22:39h, 18 October Reply

    I spent most of my teen years book-cracked. Love Sophie K too, laugh out loud kind of funny.

    • janice
      Posted at 22:53h, 18 October Reply

      most of my life! LOL ;)

  • Sarah
    Posted at 08:46h, 19 October Reply

    Did you know she also writes books under her real name – Madeleine Wickham? Not sure why she does that, but her books under her real name are just as good. ; )

    • janice
      Posted at 08:51h, 19 October Reply

      NO WAY!!!!
      omg thanks Sarah!

  • Bari
    Posted at 16:02h, 19 October Reply

    I just checked out her brand new book at the school library. Looks all fluffy.

    • janice
      Posted at 19:06h, 19 October Reply

      Newer than this one? What?
      am I missing out on Sophieness?!!

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