other signs of spring {119/365}

Daughter slept in and missed her bus this morning, so I drove her to her middle-of-nowhere school for the second time this week.  I don’t mind though.  There’s no snow on the ground and it’s a nice drive.  And daughter is Chatty Cathy when we’re alone in the car, so that’s always fun (and usually informative – yay! for chatty cathys).

Plus there’s the added bonus of driving past one of my favourite places.

Another sure sign of Spring?  Babies!

day 119

Now, how cute is that?

and this?

from day 119

Lookit that little cutie checking me over.

How about this one?  all together now … awwwwwww!

from day 119

I hung out there for almost an hour, snapping away.  And I’m not sure where my brain was at but I didn’t set my exposure.  At all.  The sun was already really bright and directly in front of me, so everything was horribly over exposed, with the dark bits of the horses a blob of black.  I would’ve been better off shooting in auto.  Very disappointing.  I blame the early hour and lack of sufficient caffeine.

So yeah, a lot of lightroom adjustments going on here.

But whatever :p

Check out this little one in the background, kicking up dust …

from day 119

ha!  All over the place and full of – as my grandmother would say – piss and vinegar.  I figured out why when HE got a little closer to me.  Yes, HE.  ummm … let’s just say the evidence was prominently on display. *ahem.

from day 119

So beautiful. I want to live there.  I wonder if they’ll give me a job.  hmmmm …

I have to say though, when you’re zoomed in on a horse, and it starts galloping towards you, it can freak you right the hell out.

from day 119

Objects in viewfinder are NOT closer than they appear.  No need to panic.

(loving those dust trails)

My favourite, and my shot for today …


She’s a beauty.  Love that sun hitting her back (even if it did screw up my shots).


Did I mention I want to live here?


from day 119

ummm … I’ll just follow them home. Maybe nobody will notice.


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • sherry
    Posted at 08:40h, 30 April Reply

    beautiful horses and definetly beautiful place wow!!

  • Sue C
    Posted at 08:44h, 30 April Reply

    Loved these!!!!

  • Louisiana Belle
    Posted at 11:17h, 30 April Reply

    Gorgeous scenery and horses. Love the colors, too.
    .-= Louisiana Belle´s last blog ..Day 118: Bee in my bushes =-.

  • Tug
    Posted at 20:47h, 30 April Reply

    I love horses, and really wish I liked my “boss” enough to go to his place and get some photos of his. Maybe some day. When I lived in Idaho I used to ride for a friend of mine to get the horses used to riders…really miss that.
    .-= Tug´s last blog ..Time to relax… =-.

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