zoom and crop {84/365}

So I’ve been back to this particular barn three times now.

The first time, I’d taken a full shot of it from the side of the road (a good 500 ft away at the very least) and when I got back home and had a look, it was particularly craptastic.  I tried again a few days ago, and meh, it wasn’t much better, but I noticed the doors when I was fooling around editing, trying to salvage it.

Oh my, the doors! and that … what is that? A flag?

So I went back today, armed with the 300mm zoom and my ever present streak of stubborn.


This is at 300mm, and then further cropped to bring it up closer. And yes, my stubborn self picked a really overcast day, so it was underexposed and now a little noisy.

It’s still not what I’m after, but I’m going to leave it for now before I’m brought up on stalking charges.

  • Tug
    Posted at 21:03h, 25 March Reply

    LOL. I think it turned out really good! Noise is OK with all that texture, right?
    .-= Tug´s last blog ..Preparing for Easter? =-.

    • janice
      Posted at 21:06h, 25 March Reply

      Yep, it hides it :)
      I was wanting more of a pop on those red doors though.
      Another time!

      • Tug
        Posted at 21:15h, 25 March Reply

        I can see that…would Pioneer Woman’s boost help, or just playing in Photoshop? (novice here, but it sounds good – lol)
        .-= Tug´s last blog ..Preparing for Easter? =-.

        • janice
          Posted at 21:18h, 25 March Reply

          I’ve already edited.
          But yes, would help if my original wasn’t so underexposed. Bringing it back up, and the resulting noise, it would only look that much more noisy if I started ‘boosting’ and stuff :)

          • Tug
            Posted at 22:01h, 25 March

            Yep, I get it. :-( Still a cool photo tho.
            .-= Tug´s last blog ..Preparing for Easter? =-.

  • kim
    Posted at 18:43h, 27 March Reply

    Love it, the weathered wood and red doors makes for a perfect shot!
    .-= kim´s last blog ..86/365 Fresh Yard Eggs =-.

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