5 on 5: Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

It’s one of those sayings you grow up with, never knowing why or how or when it was handed down to you, you just take it as truth.

March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.

So really, no tigers and bears. Just a whole bunch of lions. And some birds.

What. I just liked my title.

This month has certainly been a mixed bag of weather though. Mild days, snowstorms, record high temperatures, more snowstorms. You get the picture. None of us know up from down at this point, but we’re all in agreement that winter can suck it.

It sure is pretty though.

Frozen mornings - when only a camera and the promise of beauty can make you leave the house.

Early in the month, I spotted the first Robin of the year. A sure sign of Spring! There is something about that first sighting that fills you with hope and makes you almost forget about the long winter you just endured. Almost.

Hello, Mr. Handsome!

And then towards the end of the month, we had the mother of all ice storms and poor Mr. Robin was NOT impressed. I wasn’t either. The ice was pretty at first, and then everything went to hell in a hand basket and took a dangerous turn.

I lost part of the crabapple this little guy is shivering on …

Hello, Mr. Handsome, you frozen feathered liar! Where is SPRING?!!

Things got a lot worse before they got better. The ice grew thicker and trees started coming down all over the region. A lot of homes were without hydro for days. I’ve never seen so much destruction.

But the sun returned. The ice started melting, bringing with it a whole new set of problems, but at least the end was in sight. And what a beautiful sight it was.

Beautiful Destruction. But oh, what a show.

March has, indeed, gone out like a lamb. There are tulips sprouting in my garden and the promise of Spring is in the air. April traditionally brings one final storm and as I write this, that one too is wrapping up and winding down. Sunny skies are on the horizon!

Thank you for joining me this month for the 5 on 5 Project. Up next on the list of fellow participating photographers is Lianne Thompson who has some decidedly UNwinterish photos to share with you. YAY! Please go visit her and say hello.

  • Stephanie Smith
    Posted at 07:28h, 05 April Reply

    These are breathtaking. As beautiful as it is, I am sure you are looking forward to spring. I am in love with the image of the bird with the frozen “berries”.

    • Jan
      Posted at 17:50h, 05 April Reply

      Oh yes, definitely over winter!

  • Lianne
    Posted at 07:48h, 05 April Reply

    If ONLY my winter photos approached the beauty of yours. Breathtaking. And “Hello, Mr. Handsome, you frozen feathered liar!” – I’m giggling away at my desk like a fool. Lovely lovely photos.

    • Jan
      Posted at 17:51h, 05 April Reply

      heheeee! Glad I made you giggle :)

  • Melissa
    Posted at 10:02h, 05 April Reply

    I just found you through Maureen of Cottage 960. Love your pictures!

    • Jan
      Posted at 17:52h, 05 April Reply

      Thank you, Melissa! Hope I see you back again soon!

  • kim thompson steel
    Posted at 11:06h, 05 April Reply

    Your writing cracks me up – thanks for the good morning! And I love each and every one of your photos… wish I were there to drive around with you (perhaps with a warm thermos of coffee or hot cocoa?) and find these amazing sights.

    • Jan
      Posted at 17:56h, 05 April Reply

      One of these days we will do just that!
      I know how hard it is to return home for visits and try to fit in everything that you want to do and still make enough time for family. It’s hard!
      We’ll figure it out sooner or later LOL

  • maureen
    Posted at 21:42h, 05 April Reply

    Winter can always suck it as far as I’m concerned. I’m always amazed at how you drag yourself out in it to capture the beauty of it. That crabapple tree shot is gorgeous, what timing to catch poor Mr. Robin there. I’m sorry you’ve lost part of that lovely tree. Hopefully it is in bloom by now.

    • Jan
      Posted at 22:15h, 05 April Reply

      Thanks Mo! Blooms hopefully in the next few weeks!

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