Happy Birthday, Canada!

So the first time I actually grab my gear and come prepared for a fireworks show, the fireworks show forgot to show up! Oy, what a lame display!

That’s okay, it was good practice. All other times, I’ve flown by the seat of my pants and handheld my camera, winging it. This time, I set up properly, nailed my settings and had a fun time.

I think though, the townspeople are none too happy at the moment :)

july1 twoscoopz.com

(and check me out! all caught up and posting on the proper day! LOL)


SHINE on fb
You can find my 365|2013 project on flickr. For all daily photos posted here, check 365-2013 in the category list in the sidebar to the right. Want to be instagram friends? Look for jan_twoscoopz and come and play!

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