rainy days and sunshine

Rainy days and sunshine? Rainy days and Sundays? meh, whatever :) The ice has melted, the sun has come out and dare I say? Spring is truly here to stay.

And in the midst of it all, horrific happenings in the U. S of A. Hard to celebrate anything amongst the horror and chaos of the Boston Marathon explosions, but I choose to see the resounding bravery, unity and strength in the aftermath. I choose to celebrate life and hold fast to hope.

This was my week.

april13 - 365|103 at twoscoopz.com
april14 - 365|104 at twoscoopz.com
april15 - 365|105 at twoscoopz.com
april16 - 365|106 at twoscoopz.com
april17 - 365|107 at twoscoopz.com
april18 - 365|108 at twoscoopz.com
april19 - 365|109 at twoscoopz.com
april20 - 365|110 at twoscoopz.com

Consciously, or unconsciously, a lot of hope and optimism in this week’s photos.

Well, all except that last one ;)


twoscoopz on facebook
You can find my 365|2013 project on flickr. For all daily photos posted here, check 365-2013 in the category list in the sidebar to the right. Want to be instagram friends? Look for jan_twoscoopz and come and play!

  • maureen @ cottage 960
    Posted at 00:38h, 01 May Reply

    Well hey there sweets. Lovely shots of your life. Love the one of the road, lovely light there.
    Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Miss you. xo

    • janice
      Posted at 22:14h, 01 May Reply

      All is well! Miss you too, busy woman xoxo

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