05 Apr head in the clouds
Worked all day, then picked up my girl for an appointment after school. While I sat outside waiting for her, more than likely browsing instagram (yes, I was) I looked up and caught this scene …
Over the fence, a classic urban scene and those big fluffy clouds filling the sky and feeling like Spring.
I dropped my girl off at work, and off I went to capture more. I couldn’t get enough of that sky.
On and on I drove, loving the beauty above me, snapping pics along the way until the clouds moved on and the sun went down.
Perfect. Inspiring.
What inspires you? What sets you on your journey?
You can find my 365|2013 project on flickr. For all daily photos posted here, check 365-2013 in the category list in the sidebar to the right. Want to be instagram friends? Look for jan_twoscoopz and come and play!
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