happy birthday to me

Another year around the sun. A little older, a little wiser … a little more wrinkled :)

February 26 - day 57

Two years ago, right around this time, I was living my days blissfully unaware that life as I knew it would soon be shaken to the core.

Right around this time last year, I had been through hell and back and was finishing up my final round of chemo.

Right now, this year, this month I am officially one year cancer free.

February 26 - day 57

You really can’t top that kind of birthday present.

Happy Birthday to me, indeed.

Happy Birthday to me :)


twoscoopz on facebook
You can find my 365|2013 project on flickr. For all daily photos posted here, check 365-2013 in the category list in the sidebar to the right. Want to be instagram friends? Look for jan_twoscoopz and come and play!

  • shelley young
    Posted at 00:14h, 27 February Reply

    Janice, I swear you have the most amazingly beautiful eyes! One year cancer free beauty! Woot!!! Love you and happy birthday, to youuuuuuu! xo

    • janice
      Posted at 07:56h, 27 February Reply

      awwww … thanks friend xoxo

  • Susie Westervelt
    Posted at 06:28h, 27 February Reply

    You are so beautiful. Congratulations on kicking cancer out the door and I hope this year is a fantastic one. Happy birthday.

    • janice
      Posted at 07:57h, 27 February Reply

      We’ll make it fantastic! Thanks Susie :)

  • Sherry
    Posted at 06:39h, 27 February Reply

    Congratulations!! Happy Birthday!! These are beautiful selfies – really pretty…. hope you have a great celebratory week.

    • janice
      Posted at 07:57h, 27 February Reply

      Thanks Sherry!
      Thankful for great light and a softening brush :)

  • Alison
    Posted at 07:28h, 27 February Reply

    Happiest of birthdays, you freaking gorgeous lady, you! So so many happy returns of the day!

    • janice
      Posted at 07:58h, 27 February Reply

      heheee! Thanks girl :D

  • Cheryl
    Posted at 08:03h, 27 February Reply

    I agree..the most wonderful birthday present of all. Hugs and kisses from me to you Janice.

    • janice
      Posted at 08:29h, 27 February Reply

      Thanks hon!

  • Micheline Harvey
    Posted at 08:17h, 27 February Reply

    Be free, free, free my beautiful one! Happy birthday and happy victory. You are woman, hear you ROAR! xox

    • janice
      Posted at 08:30h, 27 February Reply

      hehee! I LOVE this comment! :D

  • June
    Posted at 08:22h, 27 February Reply

    Maybe a little more older, wiser (and wrinkled) but a whole lot more beautiful!

    • janice
      Posted at 08:30h, 27 February Reply

      oooooh … lies … LOL ;)

  • Erin G
    Posted at 09:36h, 27 February Reply

    YAY! Good for you, girlfriend! I am so proud of you, you kicked ass!
    Love you!

    • janice
      Posted at 17:01h, 27 February Reply

      wore my shit-kickin’ boots! :)

  • Angela
    Posted at 12:06h, 27 February Reply

    I’m so happy for you! And Happy Birthday to ya happy birthday to ya happy birthday…be glad you couldn’t actually hear the singing {{{hugs}}}. And oh my goodness…you go girl! These selfies are HOTTTT! Love the fedora!

    • janice
      Posted at 17:01h, 27 February Reply

      awwww hey girl! Thanks *smooch*

  • Karen
    Posted at 15:05h, 27 February Reply

    Happy Birthday indeed!! Wonderful news and these pictures of you are absolutely GORGEOUS!!

    • janice
      Posted at 17:02h, 27 February Reply

      thanks Karen! xo

  • Gwen
    Posted at 20:34h, 27 February Reply

    Look at you, Beautiful!!! So happy for you, you’ve come a long way!

    And I wish I could have a cupcake …

    Happy birthday!

    • janice
      Posted at 07:27h, 28 February Reply

      I would totally share with you Gwen ;)

  • Monybean
    Posted at 21:36h, 27 February Reply

    Happy belated b-day sweet chicka!! You make getting older look GOOD!

    • janice
      Posted at 07:27h, 28 February Reply

      flatterer!!! heheee … thanks girl!

  • She Who Carries Camera
    Posted at 15:19h, 28 February Reply

    Whoa! I never knew that! Huge cause for celebration and your eyes are magnificent!

    • janice
      Posted at 23:02h, 01 March Reply

      Because you fell off the face of the interwebz!!! :p

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