the challenges of a 365 Project

One of the challenges I met when first doing a 365 Project, was the daily editing and posting of my photos. Of course, there’s no getting away from the editing (but I have some ideas about that too! more later) but I CAN take a bit of control with the posting of my photos.

This blog is the biggest challenge. First time around, I posted my daily photo here That process only served to add to the workload of a 365 and I kept it up for the entire year but let me tell you, it was more than a pain in the butt. And looking back now, probably more than a little unnecessary. So this year, I’m posting to this blog when I have the time. My daily photos WILL be posted daily to flickr and instagram – I’m a firm believer that if you don’t hold yourself accountable to something (a group, friends, etc) during this project, you’ll soon quit. But as far as posting here goes, I’m not gonna sweat it. It’s not necessary.

Here then, a bit of a catch-up :)

Mostly iPhone photos, but I managed to get at least one shot with my big girl camera! yay me. heh.

If you’re involved in a photography project this year and have a blog, what are your plans for sharing your photos?

My friend, Katrina Kennedy shared a great idea that she’s doing this year – a gallery view on her blog. Everything for her year, all in one spot, and if you’d like to read what she had to say about her photo, you can click on the ‘read more’ portion to go to her post. So she’s blogging her photos, but if you didn’t want to do that, you could just post in a gallery fashion as she’s done. Genius, if you ask me. Why didn’t I think of that? ;)

And as far as blogs go, if you don’t want the hassle of maintaining a full-fledged site, tumblr can be a great solution. They have some really fun layouts and quite a few mimic a cool gallery style. The only drawback to tumblr (in my opinion) is that it’s all too easy for everyone to share what you’ve posted, unless you post totally private. Think Pinterest style – anybody can ‘reblog’ your posts, in fact the site pretty much relies on reblogging. Posterous offers the same sort of tumblr style, but let’s you control your privacy and who sees what. A much better choice if privacy and sharing is a concern for you.

Any other ideas? Let’s hear ’em.


twoscoopz on facebook
You can find my 365|2013 project on flickr. For all daily photos posted here, check 365-2013 in the category list in the sidebar to the right. Want to be instagram friends? Look for jan_twoscoopz and come and play!

  • Alison
    Posted at 17:47h, 17 January Reply

    I don’t blog my 365 but just put it on flickr. When I started – almost 3 years ago! – the goal was to take a picture a day to prove I could and to ‘earn’ my canon rebel. There was no point in getting one if I couldn’t use my point and shoot. Now it’s become so much of my life – not taking a picture would feel odd! Sometimes I have to use my phone – I’m tired, I’m busy, I’m traveling – but it’s been such a great learning experience!
    Good luck – and keep the beautiful pictures coming!

    • janice
      Posted at 15:20h, 19 January Reply

      It’s THE greatest way to learn!

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