04 Nov spooky … kinda {44/52}
Halloween was a bit of a washout here, with remnants of Hurricane Sandy bringing buckets of rain and high winds at the beginning of the week. Thankfully it calmed a bit for the little trick or treater’s, down to a mild drizzle by Halloween night. Being too old for trick or treating, and too warm and cozy to head outside in the icky weather, I settled for the few shots I had already snapped on my iPhone during the day.
I should have bought that bracelet. Darn.
There’s another photo in my flickr photostream that I’m just going to link to, because honestly? it creeps me the hell out and I don’t want to publish it here. ha! Seriously! So if you want to, go and have a look at the creepiness. And don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Did you look? Did ya?
Quick! … look at the cute little mini pumpkin …
Much better.
Here’s a few other shots from this week, non-Halloween related. Although the barn is a little dark and gloomy.
This next one from this morning may possibly frighten a few of you …
SNOW! yep. It didn’t last very long though, and to be perfectly honest, it got me a little festive-feeling (and more than a little lazy – it was a full-fledged pajama day for me).
November always brings about the 30 Days of Gratitude project. You’ll see many people posting photos around the web and there are many groups formed. A quick google/flickr/instagram search will give you quite a few results if you’d like to play along.
I’m grateful for every single day my feet are firmly planted on this earth. It’s fun though, to capture that gratitude in photos. Come join in!
Hosted at twoscoopz! You can visit or join the focus52 flickr group here. My own focus52 project can be found on flickr here or by clicking ‘my f52’ in the category list over there in the sidebar. Want to be instagram friends? Look for jan_twoscoopz and come and play!
Posted at 01:26h, 18 NovemberOh, I wish I hadn’t clicked on that link! It’s almost 1:30am, I should be in bed. And if I have bad dreams tonight, I will blame you for even tempting me with a link to click on. Because if it’s a photo you took, I’m gonna look at it. But what the hell was that thing?! (sorry about saying hell, heck didn’t cut it after I went back to take a second look at it to try to figure out what I saw the first time)
I’m trying to catch up post-hard drive crash and just finished my spooky blog post. So I decided to come look at yours after I published mine. :)