explore {39/52}

I think I’ve mentioned a time or two that I absolutely love this time of year :)

landing gear

The Canada Geese are still here, which tells me we still have some gorgeous weather in store. Although some of the braver fellows will stay through the winter. Crazy geese. If I had wings? Ya, definitely fly south.

It’s a wonderful time of year too for barn photos. You know I love my barns.

morning glow

Almost as much as I love playing around with textures :)

I’ve passed this tree quite a few times on my way to the lake, but this is the first time I’ve photographed it. I couldn’t resist the morning sun peeking through the branches and the rich colors after a night of rain.

up the ladder

How cool is that ladder? Grab a book and climb, climb, climb.

Fall colors are making an appearance everywhere now. This photo was shot around the middle of the week, and in the few days since, I’d say our forests are at about 40 – 50% color. LOVE this time of year.

(I’ve told you that, right?)

through the pines

Through the pines. Beautiful.

And of course, you know I’ve had a fun time with my iPhone,


Seems I can’t seem to stay away from textures there either.

All in all, it’s been a pretty great week :)


2012! are you in?

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