19 Aug focus52|2012 {week thirty-four} august 19 to august 25
Welcome to week thirty-four, 52’rs! I don’t know what the weather has been like in your neck of the woods, but around these parts there’s a definite chill of Autumn in the air. Almost enough to make me start thinking about rearranging some of our weekly prompts to accommodate the temperatures . But I’m going to hold fast and hope fervently that Mama Nature is just having a bit of a snit and warm weather will return. Quickly. Like, right now.
Regardless, this week’s prompt has nothing at all to do with the time of year, although I think you’ll enjoy a wider range of subject matter right now :)
Note the words big AND small. That pretty much leaves it wide open. Pick your creature, grab your camera, and snap away!
Whether or not you decide to follow the prompt this week, come back here and link up your chosen work when you’re done (weeks run Sunday to Saturday, don’t forget!). Links must be to the direct URL of your actual work, not just to the site it’s posted in, and may be a link to your blog post or to your flickr photo (again, the actual photo, not your entire flickr stream). Also, please don’t link and run – try to find some time to visit at least a few of your fellow 52’ers. That’s half the fun! It’s a fact that those who link up early, get the most interaction on their work. Truth.
And don’t forget the flickr pool! Please keep in mind that although flickr is a great place to post your photos and share, the linkups here on the site seem to be dwindling and I’d love it if you guys would come over and take part in this project we’ve all been working on so diligently.
That’s it! Have a great week, 52’rs!
psssttt… looking for last week’s link up? click here
Posted at 16:55h, 21 AugustI’m laughing that the first two pictures this week are lizards. What are the chances?
Posted at 19:19h, 25 AugustLizards are awesome :D
Posted at 01:01h, 22 AugustYou should see the photos I’ve taken already!!!!! I’m behind BIG TIME in everything, so I’m not sure when I will get a chance to process them. My goal is to have them before the Sunday cut off. ;) I got some amazing photos today, and I’m sure I wouldn’t have gotten most of them without this prompt. I would have gotten a handful (as there was a “creature” I was eager to photograph) but we’ll never know, will we? :)
Posted at 19:20h, 25 AugustGet on it, MIssy!
Posted at 15:57h, 26 AugustWorking on it! Had a newborn session to edit, and just finished the viewing session with the parents. In Focus mode now, so hard to decide which ones to share!
Posted at 13:08h, 31 AugustFINALLY got the blog post finished. Thought I’d let you know, since I left you hanging on Monday with my empty promise … Of course, Monday was the first day of school, and this week has just been crazy adjusting.