celebrate {27/52}

What a busy week, from start to finish and I’m feeling like I’m two steps behind myself, still. You know, when you feel you just can’t catch up? yeah, like that.

From fireworks (rushed, crappy handheld photo – sshhhhh) to grad photos, appointments, dinners out, street fairs and more photos … and all the while a can of paint and some taped up kitchen walls mocking me and messing with my to-do’s.

Not to mention, this week I am celebrating ditching my wig! wooohooooo! I can’t say I’m fond of the hair I’m currently sporting but hey, it’s MINE :)


Of course, there’s always time for a stroll through town …

uptown girl

and a stop at the Annual Street Busker’s Festival …

step right up! :D

I was there photographing the karate students, and this little audience member caught my eye. How CUTE is she? She was having a great time, dancing along with the Zumba instructors. Cutiepie.

street scenes

Balloons make everything okay, don’t they? :D

And finally, fooling around with some tilt-shift action – a portion of the Street Busker’s Festival,

uptown tilt-shift

Now … after I finish editing the 200+ photos sitting on my hard drive, who’s coming over to help me paint? hmmmmm?

*some of the above photos taken with iPhone


2012! are you in?

Hosted at twoscoopz! You can visit or join the focus52 flickr group here. My own focus52 project can be found on flickr here or by clicking ‘my f52’ in the category list over there in the sidebar. Want to be instagram friends? Look for jan_twoscoopz and come and play!

  • melissa
    Posted at 14:16h, 08 July Reply

    Hey … I think your hair is beautiful and looks nice and cool for summer. Gorgeous photos, as usual!

    • janice
      Posted at 14:25h, 08 July Reply

      Thanks Melissa! One thing it IS is cool for summer ;)

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