nurture {20/52}

Short and sweet this week. I’m outside, enjoying my long weekend, doing stuff like this …


It’s been so long since I’ve been out in my garden. As you know (most of you) I pretty much missed the entire summer last year, flat on my back recovering from surgery. And then a winter of chemotherapy and all of the fun that goes along with that. I can’t tell you how good it feels to be out, hacking away at the weeds, cleaning things up. It’s a renewal of sorts, this gradual taking back of my life. You could say that I’m nurturing my very soul.

It feels good.

(although my muscles have different thoughts on the matter)

Hope you’re enjoying your weekend too!


2012! are you in?

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  • Sue C.
    Posted at 11:32h, 20 May Reply

    They don’t call her Mother Nature for nothing, you know… Our Mother’s always know how to make us feel better. :-)

  • Heather
    Posted at 15:33h, 20 May Reply

    Thank goodness Spring brings fresh starts!

  • Christi
    Posted at 18:33h, 20 May Reply

    Beautiful light.

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