15 Apr focus52|2012 {week sixteen} april 15 to april 21
I have to tell you guys, I’ve really been enjoying browsing through your “perspective” submissions from last week. I was so happy to see a lot of you show the results of your efforts and different takes on your subject using diptychs and collages. Some of you even put the outtakes right into the comment section on your flickr posts and it was a great way to see all of the different perspectives all together. Great work, people! I hope last week’s exercise helped you to maybe step outside of your normal routine and examine your photography style with a new eye.
Remember back at the start of the year when we had the “I am ________” prompt? It was an exercise in getting to know one another a little better and I think it went over rather well. This week, I’d like to expand on that concept a little bit more …
Show us where you live! Is there something you absolutely love about the place you live? Capture it and show us. Maybe you have a favorite place, favorite store, favorite hangout … take a few minutes this week to grab some photos to share.
In photography, it’s often the small details, the smaller picture, that makes things interesting. Say you have a favorite coffee shop on Main Street in your town. You could take a little walk, stand across the street and snap a picture of it … OR you could go on in, sit down and take a photo of the table you’re sitting at, complete with inviting coffee cup and a blurred background of fellow patrons. You could take a photo of the outdoor sign, or the view through the window. You see? Details.
Here are a few photos that I grabbed from our flickr pool, all of them belonging to past and present focus52 members. I think it’s a pretty good representation of interesting photos taken around their towns (or at least I think it’s their towns!). Have a peek …

1. Focus 52 “Leading Lines”, 2. 7/52, 3. Spa Creek- Annapolis, MD, 4. Parking, 5. Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth With Money In My Hand, 6. blue windows, 7. Errands, 8. Let there be light…, 9. the view…, 10. Leading lines (4/52) [Explored], 11. 10ofF52Words, 12. Cold Seat
Even in the photos where the photographer has taken in a good portion of their city or town, they’ve made their photo infinitely more interesting by choosing a great focal point, such as the fence with the Brooklyn Bridge in the background or the bench with a fantastic view of the city across the lake. When you’re out and about this week, try to keep these simple techniques in mind and strive for interesting.
I know that a lot of you are pressed for time during the work week, but I really want to encourage you to take a few moments to capture your surroundings. Maybe have a special lunch hour this week and visit a favorite spot. And if you’re like me lately, and not getting out much (totally not my fault! LOL) then here’s the perfect opportunity to pack up your things and get outside. Kids? Pack them up too and get going.
Of course, and as always, it’s totally up to you. Whatever you choose to do this week, follow the prompt or no, come back here and link up your work when you’re done (weeks run Sunday to Saturday, don’t forget!). Links must be to the direct URL of your actual work, not just to the site it’s posted in, and may be a link to your blog post or to your flickr photo (again, the actual photo, not your entire flickr stream). Also, please don’t link and run – try to find some time to visit at least a few of your fellow 52’ers. That’s half the fun! It’s a fact that those who link up early, get the most interaction on their work. Truth.
Oh! and don’t forget the flickr pool!
Remember, you do not need to use the prompt in order to come back here and share.
Now, get going. Show us your town :)
Posted at 21:40h, 15 AprilLove this! It’s a wonderful reason to get downtown to shoot!
Posted at 21:42h, 15 AprilPerfect! Can’t wait to see the results :)
Posted at 00:46h, 16 AprilI am SO excited to do this one!
Posted at 08:31h, 16 AprilYay! Get outta the house! :)
Posted at 22:16h, 18 AprilNot all really in my town but close enough. And I hadn’t even seen your prompt when I posted this today. =)