focus52|2012 {week ten} march 4 to march 10

I have to tell you, last week was the most fun I’ve had browsing through the work of this fabulously creative group. The things you guys came up with for the prompt ‘starts with J’ have been just blowing me away. I’ve alternated between amazement, admiration and out-loud giggles at the creative spins some of you came up with. So much fun! Seriously, hats off to you guys. And thank you so much for indulging me on my birthday week. I’ve been entertained all week long :)

This week, our focus52 prompt is …

Words are all around us, everywhere we look. The trick is to keep your eyes open and spot out the interesting ones. The ones that tell a story, grab your attention or stop you in your tracks (hint-hint).

Now don’t just run out, take a picture of some sign and call it a day, thinking you have your “word” for the week. The sign is all well and good, but try your best to think  about your composition, depth of field, point of view … interestingness! (yes, that’s a word). Will your photo grab the viewer? Or will they glance and move on? Make it interesting.

You could also choose to manufacture your own words photo. Do you journal? Take a self portrait of yourself in action. And with this too – get creative. An interesting crop makes a world of difference. Do you have a particular phrase or poem that speaks to you? Work it into your photo. How about a favorite book? Get it in the shot.

Words, words, words. I challenge you to find some :)

Whatever you choose to do this week, follow the prompt or no, come back here and link up your work when you’re done (weeks run Sunday to Saturday, don’t forget!). Links must be to the direct URL of your actual work, not just to the site it’s posted in, and may be a link to your blog post or to your flickr photo. Also, please don’t link and run – try to find some time to visit at least a few of your fellow 52’ers. That’s half the fun! And don’t forget the flickr pool!

Remember, you do not need to use the prompt in order to come back here and share.

Have fun, 52’rs!

  • Karen
    Posted at 18:44h, 08 March Reply

    Hi Jan,

    I wanted to delete the first photo Iinked up (it is deleted from my photostream but still here) but don’t know how?


    • janice
      Posted at 20:01h, 08 March Reply

      I was wondering about that, but didn’t want to delete your link! LOL
      There should be a little red ‘x’ beside your name, under your photo (visible only to you). Just click that and you’re poof! gone :)

      • Karen
        Posted at 20:08h, 08 March Reply

        Thanks for getting back to me…..I know….usually the red ‘x’ is there but it isn’t there for either of mine…hmmmm…..mysteries…

        • Janice
          Posted at 22:04h, 08 March Reply

          That’s odd!
          I’ll delete it for you :)

          • Karen
            Posted at 22:58h, 08 March


  • ella
    Posted at 16:34h, 10 March Reply

    i hav e tried to give you my shot here, but did not make it . . .

    • janice
      Posted at 00:27h, 11 March Reply

      I’m glad to see you got it posted!

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