focus52|2012 {week eight} february 19 to 25

Welcome to week eight, 52’rs! Are you all Valentine’d out from last week’s prompt? I didn’t have time this past week to get around and comment to everybody (and I’m already late with this post!) but I did have time to browse. I thoroughly enjoyed all of your photos and I’ve loved all of the red showing up in our flickr pool. Great work!

I don’t know about you, but around this time of year I’ve just about had my fill of winter. I’m done with the cold, damp days and the sun setting at noon. Okay, exaggeration there, but you get my point. So this week, we’re going to give the February blahs a little shot in the arm (or kick in the butt if you prefer).

I can hear you right now … “omg Janice, where are we going to find light in February, dammit!”

Stop cursing me out :)

This week, spend some time searching out the light. Take notice of your surroundings and perhaps the way some beautiful window light is falling on an object nearby or creating an inviting pattern on the floor or wall. It doesn’t have to be a blinding ray of sunshine or overly obvious.  And you could also try your hand at creating your own light as well, maybe have some fun playing with shadows and highlights. Turn on a small lamp and take note of the way it lights it’s surroundings. Light a candle. Play with portrait lighting. Anything to do with light – that’s your goal.

Maybe you’ll get lucky and enjoy a day of sunshine (but try to stay away from shooting in direct sunlight – it’s not your friend). You never know – it could happen.

At the very least, try to have some fun this week and kick the February blahs to the curb.

Whatever you choose to do for week eight, follow the prompt or no, come back here and link up your work when you’re done (weeks run Sunday to Saturday, don’t forget!). Links must be to the direct URL of your actual work, not just to the site it’s posted in, and may be a link to your blog post or to your flickr photo. Also, please don’t link and run – try to find some time to visit at least a few of your fellow 52’ers. That’s half the fun! And don’t forget the flickr pool!

Remember, you do not need to use the prompt in order to come back here and share.

Have a great week!

  • christie
    Posted at 23:33h, 19 February Reply

    1) I might not be able to do this week… *duck*
    I have an excuse! I’ll be out of state and I won’t have my computer…. I mean mobile uploads are ok and all but….
    2) Funny this week’s prompt is Light cause in my photo class I’m taking I have homework to do and I could very well use my homework for this week. But my homework is due after this week and so I’ll be late for this week’s prompt….. I’ll try though. I’d really hate to miss a week. Cause even when I’m having a rough time with this, being forced to look through my lens is … healing. Ugh, that sounded so cheesy but it’s true :)

    • christie
      Posted at 23:33h, 19 February Reply

      I should specify that the class I’m taking is all about lighting :) lol

      • janice
        Posted at 09:26h, 20 February Reply

        I LOVE that you’re taking a class! So Awesome!
        When do you leave? Do you have time before you go?
        You can take photos up until Saturday midnight, but you can still post them all day Sunday until 9pm, if that helps.
        And no, the “healing” part is not cheesy at all. Doing what you enjoy, taking some time for YOU, is good for the soul :)

        • christie
          Posted at 10:26h, 20 February Reply

          the class was my Christmas present from my husband :D
          I might have time to do it before we leave. It’s just I hate flying/travelling and I get anal, and paranoid and ocd and am pretty much crippled until I’m done packing and getting ready to fly. So I do have time probably to do it before we leave. I just take that “work first play later” thing a little too seriously lol.

  • Charlene
    Posted at 23:40h, 19 February Reply

    I love this weeks prompt! It’s is going to be fun!

    • janice
      Posted at 09:27h, 20 February Reply

      Good! Looking forward to your photos!

  • Ai
    Posted at 11:27h, 21 February Reply

    What a fun project! Spring is showing up everywhere in my area, and I love how the light shines through the branches that are beginning to blossom. Looking forward to seeing how others “see the light”!

    • janice
      Posted at 18:19h, 21 February Reply

      Loved your photos, Ai!
      Welcome to focus52 :)

  • Gwen
    Posted at 22:54h, 26 February Reply

    Can I cry that the linky is closed?

    I was in Vegas for most of this week, with no access to photoshop to edit (since I shoot in RAW). I have my wonderful light photos open right now, and it just occurred to me that I might have missed the deadline. Shoot!

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