a breath of fresh air

From Picture The Holidays,

The weather outside might be frightful but even with winter’s chill, fresh air is the best medicine. After shopping malls and gathering indoors so much this month, braving the elements, even just to snap a photo can be a perfect change of pace. Shoot one of Mother Nature’s gifts today. Something that boasts of the season and showcases the splendor of the great outdoors.

I braved the elements, alright. Winter has arrived and it’s brrrrrrrrr outside, despite the deceptive sunshine.

fresh air

I can’t remember where I got the idea to hang mitts in a tree, but somebody nudged me about it. Whoever it was, thank you! This was fun, even if I did get a few weird looks. My mittens aren’t as focused as I’d like them to be, but I’m blaming it on the wind and my icy fingers. Yep.

Has winter arrived in your neck of the woods?


PICTURE THE HOLIDAYS with Tracy Clark and Paper Coterie: 31 days of seasonal photo prompts to inspire your creativity. Find out more here.

This post is a portion of my focus52 project, hosted right here at twoscoopz! Visit or join the focus52 flickr group here. My own focus52 project can be found on flickr here or by clicking ‘my f52’ in the category list to the right.

  • Sue
    Posted at 17:46h, 29 December Reply

    I sort of like the bit of blur on the mittens… It actually lends a little extra frosty feeling to the pic… :-)

    • janice
      Posted at 19:52h, 29 December Reply

      Yes, let’s go with that! :)

  • Sue
    Posted at 21:41h, 29 December Reply

    It’s frosty fog! That’s what we should call it.

  • maureen @ cottage 960
    Posted at 01:48h, 30 December Reply

    those are so stinkin cute!

    • janice
      Posted at 09:17h, 02 January Reply

      I’m still sorry I missed last year’s version of the mitts. They were WAY cute.

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