focus52 december 18 to december 26

Alright 52’rs … we’re heading into the final stretch of our project for 2011.

Can you believe? This year has just flown right by.

Maybe it’s just me ;)

Continuing along with the spirit of the holidays, our prompt for this week is …

* sweet *

(click to define)

You may choose to be quite literal with this prompt, maybe having a bit of fun with all of the delicious deserts and such that seem to invade our homes (and my waistline) this time of year. Or you can might choose to take on a different meaning of the word and capture the general sweetness of the season. Up to you!

As always, our prompt can be interpreted in whichever way you like, and in whatever medium you choose, and it’s entirely up to you whether or not you use it.  Also, please don’t feel that you have to use the prompt in order to share here. We just want to see what you’ve been up to.


Now here’s where we’re going to change things up a bit.

First off – did you notice I’ve extended the week? Yep. We’re going to go straight through to the 26th with this one. Easier. This weekend IS Christmas, after all, and many of us will be pressed for time and spending the holiday doing anything but sitting in front of a computer (I hope).  And it will give everybody a chance to include their Christmas Day/Boxing Day photos and not take the chance of missing a week right at the end of the year, after you’ve worked so hard.

So there’s that.

Second, the link up here on the blog will open late tomorrow evening (Monday), when last week’s link up closes. You can then feel free to link up your photos from this week whenever you choose. Likewise for our flickr pool. I’ll be allowing uploads there all week. No waiting for the weekend.

Just please, keep an eye on your dates. Make my life easy, will ya?

Last, I’ll be upping the limit of posts in the flickr pool from 5 to 10 for this week only to accomodate the longer week and the many photos I’m sure you’ll have.

That’s it.

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments.

The linkup for last week’s work closes Monday evening so there’s still time to link up your work here on the site and in the flickr pool, if you haven’t yet.

Have a wonderful Christmas, my friends.



Wondering what this is all about? One project a week for 52 weeks, hosted right here at twoscoopz! Get all of the info here and visit or join the focus52 flickr group here.


  • kkkkaty
    Posted at 17:50h, 20 December Reply

    I’ve been wondering what this is all this is my first entry for the focus 52 as a beginner and a bit early for the new year…looking forward to reading/seeing other submissions, past and present..hope I did this right, Janice…

    • janice
      Posted at 20:39h, 20 December Reply

      Hi Kathy! Welcome!
      You did everything perfectly :)
      It might be a little scarce around here these next two weeks with everybody rushing around for the holidays.

  • Tony aka MasterofMadness
    Posted at 23:43h, 27 December Reply

    Darn, I was a bit late with this week’s link, but did get my image posted to the group. Just in case anyone’s still interested, a link to my “Sweet” blog is: See ya next week and next year.


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