boo! [44/52]

Last year, around this time, I was all over the neighborhood snapping pics and having a ball.

This year, on Halloween night, I didn’t take a single picture.

Nope, not a one.

I watched my daughter and four friends hand out candies to the trick or treaters and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Made them dinner, made some rice krispie squares, cleaned up the mess. And I loved every minute of it. Some days, the pictures in your heart are better than any you could take.

I didn’t miss the prompt though. I snapped a few photos the night before. So there.

This guy? My daughter made him for me way back in grade school.


As spiders go, he’s pretty well loved :)

This is one of the churches here in town. Kind of a spooky feel in black and white.

main street

And lastly, a shot of a Halloween staple …

halloween staple

candy corn, anyone? Yum. Textures from Bliss & Folly and Les Brumes :)

And that’s it. A simple Halloween, but a pretty happy one.

I hope you enjoyed yours too!


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  • lucy
    Posted at 08:10h, 06 November Reply

    love that spooky church! our halloween was pretty quiet — sampling the leftover candy. have a great week!

  • April
    Posted at 13:40h, 06 November Reply

    I am glad to hear you had a happy Halloween! And YUM I love Candy Corn :)

  • Alison
    Posted at 16:25h, 06 November Reply

    Yum!!! Candy corn! Great shots!

  • Gwen
    Posted at 21:11h, 06 November Reply

    I love these!!!!! The spider is too cute. And the church perspective is totally cool! Candy corn, mmmmmmmm Wish I had thought to take a shot like that, I totally dig it.

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