the fair [35/52]

Our fair this year didn’t have a ferris wheel.

That’s right.


What the hell kind of fair is that? I was totally bummed :(

I got a few shots, but my heart wasn’t in it.

Did I mention there was NO Ferris wheel?


I’m kind of happy with Elvis though. The light from the side of his stage caught my eye on our way out, and I stopped to snap a few photos.

This next one was one of the quick snaps I took, totally frustrated at the lack of ferriswheel action. Messed around in lightroom and found that this processing is oddly appealing to me for some reason. So it stayed :)


I can’t remember where I downloaded the kodak frame from. Sorry!

And that’s about it. Total bust of a fair. Again, no ferris wheel.

And? It rained :)


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  • Bari
    Posted at 19:15h, 05 September Reply

    Love the upper right one! Great shots!

  • Gwen
    Posted at 22:45h, 05 September Reply

    No Ferris Wheel? YOU WERE ROBBED! Really, that’s terrible. :( I love Ferris wheels. But you still have some great shots here, and I think your negative processing is pretty cool.

    • janice
      Posted at 20:42h, 06 September Reply

      Totally robbed! Thanks Gwen :)

  • Gail
    Posted at 11:15h, 06 September Reply

    Jan, at the fair was there a ferris wheel? j/k

    I still think you got some great shots! That last one…holy cow! Is that the creative cold tone preset in LR? If you have the right photo, that is an amazing preset. Love the light and dark areas in your photo. Total perfection. I hope you posted it to Flickr so I can fave it.

    • janice
      Posted at 20:42h, 06 September Reply

      Girl? There was OMG NO FERRIS WHEEL!!!
      hehee ;)

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