focus52 august 14 to august 20

I think you’re going to have fun with this prompt. At least, I hope you do!

Our prompt for this week (week33!) is …

* water *

(click to define)

Anything and everything at all to do with water.

week33 - water

1. Put your hand into the fire, 2. Hot Day, Hard Work, 3. Untitled, 4. 14 | 52, 5. 188 ~ afternoon swim, 6. Watering the Shore, 7. Water – Pool Bubbles, 8. Killeen Water Tower, 9. watching the waves

I really want you guys to stretch yourselves with this one. Use some imagination, plan it out, set it up. Work with it! A few of the above shots wouldn’t immediately come to mind (while others are obvious) when thinking of a subject for the prompt, but they all involve water.

All but one of the above photos have come from our focus52 members. yay! I’m looking forward to seeing some great stuff from you all.

As always, the prompt can be interpreted in whichever way you like, and in whatever medium you choose, and it’s entirely up to you whether or not you use it. Also, please don’t feel that you have to use the prompt in order to come back and share on the weekend. We just want to see what you’ve been up to.

The linkup for last week’s work closes Monday evening so there’s still time to link up your work here on the site and in the flickr pool, if you haven’t yet.

You may have noticed that for the last few week’s prompts, I’ve spoken mainly to the photographers in our group. That’s because we seem to have lost our other creative members! LOL! and that’s okay! Even if there are a few of you still kicking around, the prompts still DO apply to you and are still very easy to incorporate into your project.

But honestly, I just don’t see the sense in continuing to try to keep it a level playing field if there is no reason to. I love to gab about photography, so gab I shall :)

Interestingly, although we’ve lost our non-photographers, we gained about twenty new photographers to the group. Welcome!

Okay, that’s it. I really hope you have a lot of fun this week.

Don’t get your camera wet ;)


Wondering what this is all about? One project a week for 52 weeks, hosted right here at twoscoopz! Get all of the info here and visit or join the focus52 flickr group here.

  • Snaps&Buttons
    Posted at 02:42h, 15 August Reply

    Hi! I’m one of the newbies who signed up. So excited to join this group. I am a photographer (actually digital media with a focus on photography was one of my majors for my undergrad degree) but I also make jewelry, knit, quilt, scrapbook, write poetry (my other undergrad major), and many other crafty things. So I look forward to sharing whatever creative result I come up with each week :)

    Thanks for hosting the project!

    • janice
      Posted at 08:03h, 15 August Reply

      That’s SO nice to hear! We started with some writers, a few scrapbookers, mixed media arts, some quilters … but they’ve all flown the coop for the most part. LOL!
      Great to have you!

  • Bari
    Posted at 11:26h, 15 August Reply

    Oh, this one is super easy. ;) I now just have to get off my butt and do it!

    • janice
      Posted at 16:46h, 15 August Reply

      No excuses, boat owner!!! geez! :p

  • Masterofmadness
    Posted at 20:21h, 15 August Reply

    Yeah, this one’s too easy – I live on an island, surrounded by other islands. We’ve actually got two (lake) islands on our island! I go out at least once a week or so, whale watching too.

    Ah… Maybe I’ll have to work-up something more difficult/challenging instead of the obvious. You’ll have to wait and see.

    • janice
      Posted at 18:29h, 16 August Reply

      I demand you come up with something original. No taking the easy way out for you! :p

  • Gail
    Posted at 21:07h, 21 August Reply

    I just returned from California, and out of all 853 photos I decided to go with a surfer dude. Did NOT know that water was the word prompt for this week. Isn’t that groovy? Hee.

    • janice
      Posted at 22:40h, 21 August Reply

      LOL! good choice! We’re in tune ;)

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