focus52 april 17 to april 23

Oooops! Sorry I’m late!

I got a little busy making you something (take a guess what this week’s prompt is)

Quite a few of you downloaded the last Subway Art I made at Valentine’s Day. I thought it might be fun to have one for Easter too. Here’s one without the ribbon, if you prefer …


Click whichever image you like to be taken to the download page and the full sized 8 x 10 printable.  Each file contains both a jpg image for print and a png image for scrapbooking or other digital work. Files are for personal use only and will expire at the end of our week 16.

And as you’ve probably already guessed, the prompt for this week is

* Easter *

Easter has different meanings for everybody. Whether you celebrate religiously, or choose the way of the Easter Bunny, (or choose to do both!) come back here and share your work this weekend.  As always, using the prompt is entirely up to you. Don’t feel that you have to, in order to come back and share. I just want to see what you’ve done, prompt or no prompt.

NOTE: In order to let you include the actual day of Easter, if you’d like to, we’ll extend the usual week long prompt to 9 days to include Sunday and Monday. All link ups will close Monday night. Next week’s prompt will still go up on Sunday evening and will encompass our normal Sunday to Saturday week. We’re just going to overlap a bit ;)

Make sense?

The linkup for last week’s work closes tomorrow evening so there’s still time to link up your work here on the site and in the flickr pool, if you haven’t yet.

That’s it, 52rs! Enjoy your week :)


Wondering what this is all about? One project a week for 52 weeks, hosted right here at twoscoopz! Get all of the info here and visit or join the focus52 flickr group here.

  • Bari
    Posted at 16:41h, 18 April Reply

    Ooooh…a Floridian Easter! ;) Can’t wait!

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