focus52 april 3 to april 9

Seems we all had a little bit of a problem being ‘silly‘ last week.  How sad is that?  But quite a few of you managed to get out and get silly and I’ve been enjoying the entries.

I blame the weather, for my part at least. I’m seriously beginning to doubt I’ll ever see Spring at all.

Right now?

Freak snowstorm.


But I’m nothing if not optimistic.


This week, because I loved our week of ‘green’ so much (seriously, was that not cool watching the flickr pool fill up with so many different shades of green?) and because as I said, I am optimistic, AND because you guys deserve a bit of a break … this week’s prompt is

* yellow *

(click to define)

As always, the prompt can be interpreted in any way you like, in whatever medium you choose, and it’s entirely up to you whether or not you’d like to use it. Think outside the box or take it literally. Your choice!

The linkup for last week’s work closes tomorrow evening so there’s still time to link up your work here on the site if you haven’t yet. Having a look over there, it’s a bit of a slow week! LOL!
(shhhh … so not my fault)

Have a great week! Find some sunshiney yellow for my snow filled world, will ya?


Wondering what this is all about? One project a week for 52 weeks, hosted right here at twoscoopz! Get all of the info here and visit or join the focus52 flickr group here.

  • Gwen
    Posted at 00:08h, 04 April Reply

    Oh, yellow is actually so easy for me this week … but I’m sure I won’t be the only one with daffodil photos. LOL

    • Juan Carlos
      Posted at 11:07h, 04 April Reply

      I like it!!! I’m already thinking in yellow…

  • Barbara
    Posted at 15:31h, 04 April Reply

    Ah, an easy one for me! Yellow is the ‘in’ color in my neighborhood these days!

  • janice
    Posted at 17:42h, 04 April Reply

    Glad you guys are liking the prompt.
    I need some sunshine and yellow.
    Honestly, at this point I’d settle for a dandelion!

  • Kim B
    Posted at 14:29h, 05 April Reply

    LOL… So glad I wasn’t the only one that had a hard time with silly. I think silly has to be a spontaneous thing for me. I took other photos through the week and felt a bit shy about posting any of them because I failed at getting something as simple as silly )+: Yellow sounds real good (+:

  • Elaine
    Posted at 00:32h, 06 April Reply

    I’m glad I’m not the only one that had a problem. I can’t believe I FORGOT that I hadn’t written a ‘silly’ post until tonight. I still wrote it – lame and late as it is. It’s up. How sad. I think I need more silly in my life.

  • Jen
    Posted at 08:44h, 06 April Reply

    my month of March was YELLOW :)

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