Isabelle Lafrance chats about creativity

If you’ve been here for any length of time, you’ve no doubt seen me mention the generous and talented Isabelle Lafrance. I am SO pleased that she is joining in the celebration here this week! I asked Isabelle to chat about her thoughts on creativity, and this is what she had to say …


Okay, so I was asked to write a post about Creativity and though it should be an easy one, it’s actually quite complex. I feel like everyone’s creativity is fueled in different ways, so my perspective can only be a personal one.

I do not believe in creativity as something magical. It is a process that needs nurturing, discipline and a lot of hard work. Talk to the persons that did a 365, their daily photos were the result of discipline, yet somehow managed to be so creative at the same time. The brain needs to be fed in order to be creative. You can be creative while riding the bus or watching tv, music will bring something up, an image you find beautifully composed will urge you to try something.  Anything, as long as you keep going at it. I find myself the most stumped when I’ve been neglecting to work on a project, when I’ve been procrastinating. The brain gets rusty.

One of the hardest things about being creative is finding your own style of expression. Do not create something because you’ve seen so many others doing it, because it’s “trendy”. What you create may look similar to what you’ve seen but it has to reflect who you truly are, and sometimes who you truly are may be quite inspired by what others are as well. We’re all different and all similar at the same time, there’s a thin line between being creative and being almost a copycat, but you will feel the difference.

As long as you find joy in what you create, as long as you are not just looking for approbation or success and that you remain who you are at all times, you will keep the creative spark alive. Keep playing, have fun, live life to it’s fullest, just like you did as a child, take some risks. Do not expect perfection, wish for spontaneity. Experiment, try not to see the process as it’s final result but instead as many different creative steps.

Make creativity a conscious decision. Be open to it and it will come to you, naturally.


Isabelle must have the right idea because she is one creative lady. From photography, to photoshop actions and lightroom presets, gorgeous textures and her most recent endeavor, logo design, Isabelle’s creativity knows no bounds.

For one lucky focus 52’r who joins in the link up here this weekend, Isabelle is generously offering her newest release, Soul Glow Light Layers. To be eligible for the giveaway, you must be a  member of focus52 (join anytime!), your link must follow the normal focus52 guidelines, and you can only link up once. One lucky winner for this giveaway will be determined next Tuesday, via

Note that, as always, you do not need to follow this week’s word prompt to be eligible to win.

But it IS my birthday and all ;)

Many, many thanks to Isabelle! It’s been such a pleasure having you here :)


  • Maureen
    Posted at 20:39h, 23 February Reply

    what a lovely post, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  • Jillsy Girl
    Posted at 20:45h, 23 February Reply

    wise words!!

  • saintseester
    Posted at 22:16h, 23 February Reply

    Good advice. Too often, I find myself wondering how to duplicate some idea I saw, instead of wondering how to make my own.

  • Bari
    Posted at 18:10h, 24 February Reply

    I am finding that now that I have signed up to do a weekly prompt, I have lost all of my creativity and gusto. I always come up with something before the deadline, but wonder what I would have come up with on my own. I am however impressed with how creative the other participants are. Amazing.

    • janice
      Posted at 19:23h, 24 February Reply

      You shouldn’t feel that way! You’re putting pressure on yourself, that’s the problem.
      If you like the prompt and get an idea, then follow through.
      If you don’t like it, and nothing comes to mind, chuck it in the garbage and shoot at will! :)

      At the end of the day, you should be just enjoying yourself :)

  • Gail
    Posted at 19:15h, 24 February Reply

    She is so wise and wonderful. Finding my own style in photography is what has me stumped at the moment, but I’ll just keep trying new things! Last year with 365 was a huge growth spurt for me, now I’m trying to build on what I learned as this year’s process.

    • janice
      Posted at 19:23h, 24 February Reply

      Isn’t she?
      and woman, I can spot your photographs a mile away :)

  • Tug
    Posted at 19:57h, 25 February Reply

    I need more spontenaity (sp?) in my life again. I find myself getting bogged down with *life*, and let that control me. When I do get out and shoot though, I feel so much better!

    This is a great reminder, thank you. ;-)

    • janice
      Posted at 21:57h, 26 February Reply

      Exactly. We need to make more time for the things that make us happy :)

  • jodi
    Posted at 20:14h, 26 February Reply

    Isnt’ she the best! Her stuff is awesome..

    • janice
      Posted at 21:57h, 26 February Reply

      Love her :)

  • April
    Posted at 23:31h, 26 February Reply

    Lovely thoughts! Thanks for sharing :)

  • CP
    Posted at 19:35h, 01 March Reply

    Great post! I tend to think of creativity as “magical” though. But I’m a writer, not a photographer. I think it’s a different process for us.

    As in…every week, I magically manage to pull something out of my ass to write about. LOL But what can I say? It’s a truly magical ass. :)

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