focus52 link up! february 13 to 19

This week’s focus52 prompt is ‘close up’. I can’t wait to see what you’ve done with it!

This is one of my favourite shots from last year, getting all up close and personal with Mr. Snail … (no, this is not my entry for this week … no cheatin’! heh)

‘Close up’ can be taken in all manner of ways though. It doesn’t necessarily have to mean running for your macro lens. And if I were writing for this week’s prompt, I think I would probably fill a page.

I’m also curious to see which way you took ‘close’. Change the pronunciation and you open up a whole other slew of ideas.

So, let’s see what you’ve been up to.

Link up below. (links must be to the URL of your actual work, not just to the site it’s posted in). Please don’t link and run – try to find some time to visit at least a few of your fellow 52’ers.

And don’t forget to add your work to the flickr pool :)

Note: I’m trying out a different linking system this week. I’m not totally satisfied that LinkyTools has gotten all of the bugs out of  their database move, and I really don’t feel like another weekend of link havoc. heh. Let me know what you think of this one (better? easier? hate it?), or if you have any problems using it. If all goes well, I just might be asking Mr. LinkyTool for a refund :)
A few tips though: 1) name can either be your name, or what you want to title your post, and 2) choose ‘CROP’, not select, if you want a choice of how your cropped photo appears (clicking select allows inlinkz to just auto crop and it might not be what you’d prefer)

Ready?  let’s do this!

  • Gail
    Posted at 22:36h, 18 February Reply

    I tried Linky Tools for the first time on my blog earlier in the week and it nearly sent me into a frenzy. It really wreaked havoc with my little corner of the internet. It seems to have stabilized, but who knows? I don’t trust it now for sure.

    Can’t wait to see what everybody does with the prompt this week (or not). I haven’t decided on a submission yet. I still have a little time. :)

    • janice
      Posted at 09:56h, 19 February Reply

      Yep, all hell broke loose.
      I really didn’t want that to happen again this weekend! I’m having trust issues too ;)

  • April
    Posted at 08:59h, 19 February Reply

    wow sorry I always seem to be off with the theme! It is still fun to link up though :) And I like this linky better, quicker and I feel like I can do less which is awesome sauce!
    Have a beautiful weekend!

    • janice
      Posted at 09:58h, 19 February Reply

      April you know you totally do NOT have to follow the prompts!
      and I love your shots :)

      Thanks for the feedback on the new linky. Funny, on Twitter I had mentioned not wanting to use the other one and inlinkz came along and gave me some awesome service and a really great deal. Very cool!

  • Karen
    Posted at 01:11h, 20 February Reply

    I found your badge on another blog & hopped in here. You’re new to me and I’m intrigued by Project 52. I’m following you now via GFC and hope to participate. Can we just jump in, even though its a few weeks in? (I just ordered a new camera, my first DSLR, tonight and can’t wait for it to come & start clicking! :>)

    • janice
      Posted at 02:25h, 20 February Reply

      You sure can! Start anytime you’re ready :)
      And congrats on the new camera! yay!

      • Karen
        Posted at 22:22h, 20 February Reply

        Thanks! Can’t wait to click along! (Happy Birthday, by the way! :>)

  • LaValle
    Posted at 14:19h, 20 February Reply

    The new link-up is far more intuitive. Thank you…

    • janice
      Posted at 14:29h, 20 February Reply

      Oh good! Glad to hear :)

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