focus52 February 6 to 12

You guys totally rocked the ‘framed’ prompt for week five. I was a little worried at first, and then a few interpretations came trickling in. And then a few more. And then all hell broke loose! woooot!

(and I breathed a sigh of relief)

I love seeing everybody’s work, regardless of whether or not you’ve used the prompt, but I have to tell you, when I see the imaginative ways some of you take the word and work it? Makes me grin, ear to ear. I love it!

So … week six!

You know where I’m going this week, don’t you?

I’ll give you three guesses :)

Our prompt for this week? Why, it’s …


Didn’t see that coming at all, did ya.


I’m a little late with the prompt this week because I was busy making you guys some stuff. Spreading the love and all that, y’know.

I love Subway Art, and I hope you do too …

You can click on the image to be taken to the download (twoscoopz downloads are for personal use only). This sign is a whopping 16 x 20, perfect for printing large size, or for a fantastic 8 x 10 to sit on your desk. There’s also a .png file in there, so you could use it to do just about anything. It would be a cute scrapbook element. As soon as I get myself to the store, I’m picking up a frame for this baby. I haven’t decided whether I want something ornate and girly, or something plain and modern as befits Subway Art.

Decisions, decisions.

Actually, that first frame is pretty gaudy.

And in case you aren’t into Subway Art the way I’M into Subway Art, I made a little Valentine bookmark. I was going to make a few cards, but there are cards flying all over the internet right now, so who needs another one. Besides, if you download the SWA (subway art – I’m getting tired of typing it) you can make your own cards.

Again, click on the bookmark images to download (personal use only). There’s the front and back, in a size that you can order from most print companies. Or print it yourself (in which case, you’re on your own because I fight with my printer on a daily basis. It hates me.)

And just in case you aren’t into Subway Art OR bookmarks … well … I got nothing.

Links for both of these downloads will expire at the end of our week six and will probably end up in the (yet to be a reality) store, so grab them now if you want them. I’d love to know if you do something with them! I have to say, the typography was a bit harder than I expected it would be. I need to study up on my math, I think.

The linky for last week’s work closes tomorrow evening so there’s still time to link up your stuff from week five if you haven’t yet. And WHY haven’t you yet? ;)

So that’s it. Enjoy your week, and come back to show me some love.

Baby :)

*freebie links now expired

  • April
    Posted at 23:22h, 06 February Reply

    Oh how lovely! Thanks for sharing :)
    I hope you have a lovely week!

    • janice
      Posted at 00:49h, 07 February Reply

      You’re so welcome!
      Lovely week, right back at’cha :)

  • Jillsy Girl
    Posted at 09:19h, 07 February Reply

    You are SO CREATIVE!! Luv Ya ~ Baby!!

    • janice
      Posted at 18:11h, 07 February Reply

      heheheee! We’ll be saying ‘baby’ all week :)

  • maureen
    Posted at 10:15h, 07 February Reply

    Girl you ROCK!
    the subway art is sooo cool! {um, yeah, that first frame is ick}
    I will download, but i’m not sure if i’ll every be able to print it, as my BRAND NEW-crazy-expensive-because-I’m-tired-of-cheap-crappy-printers died on me. well, not ON me, but you know. refuses to power up. *sigh*
    sorry for ranting in your comments.
    where was i? oh, yes, love, love, love the love you share!
    and thanks for hosting the focus 52

    • janice
      Posted at 18:13h, 07 February Reply

      I don’t own that icky frame! LOL!
      The printer died??? wth? Are they going to repair or replace?

      • Maureen
        Posted at 19:18h, 07 February Reply

        Oh, I know you don’t own that frame, silly. Your print looks much better in the sleek mod frame. :)

        • janice
          Posted at 19:30h, 07 February Reply

          LOL! okay. Just making sure.
          I don’t want to be known as the chick with the ugly frames. heh.

  • Elizabeth Crocker
    Posted at 20:47h, 08 February Reply

    Those are so cool! Thanks so much!

    • janice
      Posted at 21:33h, 08 February Reply

      You’re welcome! Have fun! :)

  • masterofmadness aka tony
    Posted at 23:35h, 08 February Reply

    “Love, Baby?”… What?

    “Love, Baby?” That’s going to be a tough one! I’m not much of a Love, Baby kinda guy!

    I’m likable, and loved (well, at least tolerated, for 35 years now) and funny most of the time – But Love, Baby? Ugh! That’s a girly thing. I’m going to have to get the gears going on this one.

    Tony (still reigning Master of Madness)

    P.S. Great looking poster – I’d go with the girly frame.

    • janice
      Posted at 23:51h, 08 February Reply

      Funny man :p
      You’ll be pulling this off without breaking a sweat.

      You should print off that poster, slap it in a frame and give it to your tolerating woman :)

  • Robin
    Posted at 10:49h, 12 February Reply

    You are such a talented lady!

  • Lexi
    Posted at 15:04h, 12 February Reply

    Okay, so I feel stupid, but….where’s the PNG? My computer can’t find a program to open the RAR.

  • Lexi
    Posted at 15:07h, 12 February Reply

    Never mind-I figured it out. ;-)

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