focus52 link up! January 16 to 22

Our prompt for this week is *cold* and I’m anxious to see which way you ran with it. Did you take it literally? Figuratively?

Surrounded as I am by snow, it wouldn’t take much to guess which way I went. And this time of year, warmth is just a distant memory. I’m cold 24-7, I swear.

Anyways …

let’s do this!

Link up below! (links must be to the URL of your actual work, not just to the site it’s posted in). Please don’t link and run. Try to find some time to visit at least a few of your fellow 52’ers.

And don’t forget to add your work to the flickr pool!

I’ll meet you back here on Sunday for the week four (week four!!!) prompt ;)


EDIT:  Unfortunately, the link list for this post had to be removed due to numerous database errors on the part of LinkyTools. Although it was promised that links would remain, as you can see, they most definitely did not. Even after numerous (friendly!) emails to the owner, Brent Riggs, the issue was not corrected.  I’m sad that our member links for this post have been lost.

I have since moved the focus52 linking service to InLinkz and couldn’t be happier with the friendly customer service and ease of use. If you’re looking for a linking tool, I highly recommend them

  • saintseester
    Posted at 17:14h, 21 January Reply

    I am completely enthralled with this group you’ve created. Already, I’ve received tons of good feedback, and gathered lots of new ideas just from watching the flickr pool. Thanks, many thanks, again.

    • janice
      Posted at 21:57h, 21 January Reply

      Beth, that is so awesome for you to say!
      I LOVE hearing that!!!

  • maureen
    Posted at 20:39h, 21 January Reply

    can I get an amen! to that. I’m cold 24/7 also. And we got dumped on this week, with more in the forecast. ugh.
    can’t wait to see what everyone has done with the prompt.
    thanks again for hosting this party :)

    • janice
      Posted at 21:56h, 21 January Reply

      It was blowing like crazy here today. Can’t wait to upload and see what I have. Hopefully something good.
      Snow – if you can’t beat it, might as well have fun with it ;)

  • Starla
    Posted at 11:08h, 23 January Reply

    Thanks to a comment Jan left, I found this site!! Not sure my picture qualifies as “cold” but there is a reason I live in So Cal…..because we enjoy that fact that when everyone else is freezing, we are in t-shirts and shorts!!

    • janice
      Posted at 12:51h, 23 January Reply

      You don’t have to follow the prompts at all, Starla.
      They’re there only if you want them :)
      Welcome to the group! DId you go join the flickr group as well?

  • Elizabeth Crocker
    Posted at 11:34h, 23 January Reply

    This week has been a challenge to say the least, so I grabbed something I shot randomly for other reasons. Next week there will be way better stuff from me as well as more time to enjoy other shots & comment on everyone. Sorry!

    • janice
      Posted at 12:52h, 23 January Reply

      The main point is that you’re out there doing it!
      and I happen to think your “guardian” is pretty darn cute ;)

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