focus52 link up! January 9 to 15


Our prompt for this week was ‘connect’. If you missed the word art freebie, the download link is still active for the rest of the weekend. Just click anywhere on the above image and you’ll be directed to the file.
(update: freebie giveaway is now over)

Now let’s see what you’ve done this week!

Link up below! (links must be to the URL of your actual work, not just to the site it’s posted in). Please try to find some time to visit at least a few of your fellow 52’ers.

And don’t forget to add your work to the flickr pool!

See you Sunday night for the week 3 prompt :)


EDIT:  Unfortunately, the link list for this post had to be removed due to numerous database errors on the part of LinkyTools. Although it was promised that links would remain, as you can see, they most definitely did not. Even after numerous (friendly!) emails to the owner, Brent Riggs, the issue was not corrected.  I’m sad that our member links for this post have been lost.

I have since moved the focus52 linking service to InLinkz and couldn’t be happier with the friendly customer service and ease of use. If you’re looking for a linking tool, I highly recommend them


  • saintseester
    Posted at 15:08h, 15 January Reply

    I must say, the images coming across on the flickr group this morning have been absolutely enthralling.

    • janice
      Posted at 15:39h, 15 January Reply

      Aren’t they?! I’m loving it! :)
      (and I’ve gotten absolutely no work done ..LOL!)

  • Elaine
    Posted at 00:07h, 16 January Reply

    Am I the only one blogging?? I kind of used the prompt word didn’t I? I showed a picture of Britney Spears’ weave “CONNECT’-ing to her scalp??? LOL!

    • janice
      Posted at 00:43h, 16 January Reply

      LOL! crazy girl – that cracked me up ;)
      No, you’re not the only one. Have you clicked any of these links?
      tsk-tsk … :p

  • Gail
    Posted at 11:03h, 17 January Reply

    Dang, I missed the link up! I was saving my photo for one I thought I would be taking late Sunday night, and that didn’t happen. Looks like a lot of great submissions!

    • janice
      Posted at 13:20h, 17 January Reply

      Starting next week, the link up will be open all day Monday. There’s a bit of info on that in the next post.
      Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to go in and change the end time on this one, which really kind of sucked

  • blue elephant photography
    Posted at 23:22h, 17 January Reply

    by the way with the birds, i didn’t duck…i was too busy taking their photos. i was more worried they will poo on me lol – that was a lot of birds! just saying. =)
    this focus52 is interesting, i want to read more who knows maybe i can join =)

    • janice
      Posted at 23:27h, 17 January Reply

      I did the same in a parking lot last Fall. What’s with the birds in parking lots?
      Anyways, yep … that’s what I meant by ducking. Falling torpedoes. LOL!

      And you should TOTALLY join in! C’mon!!! :)

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