day three hundred & sixtyfive *seriously* {365/365}

365 days. wow.

Thank you, each and every one of you, who have supported me and encouraged me as I made my way through this project. You have no idea what it has meant to me.

and now?

I’m going to kick back, put up my feet and raise my glass to myself (at least until tomorrow).

Yes I am.

Take that project365. You brought it and I kicked your ass.


(turn up your volume .. I love this song)

HAPPY NEW YEAR! May 2011 bring you love and laughter and your every heart’s desire.



You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters and Designer Digitals.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • alison
    Posted at 09:06h, 01 January Reply

    Happy, happy, happy new year and the very most happy congratulations on completion!!

    • janice
      Posted at 12:53h, 01 January Reply

      Thanks Alison!
      Happy New Year to you too!

  • Geneil
    Posted at 10:15h, 01 January Reply

    Jan, the video was fabulous! I loved seeing all your pictures again… made me get teary eyed… no kidding. So great to have “met” you this year. I love your photos and your wit and energy. Happy 2011.

    • janice
      Posted at 12:55h, 01 January Reply

      awwww! teary eyed?
      Best comment ever :)
      I feel likewise, and so glad you’re doing 52 weeks with me! woooot!
      Happy New Year, hon :)

  • Ruth C.
    Posted at 11:15h, 01 January Reply

    Janice I have really enjoyed your 365 project and look forward to the next one. Your photos and writing are something I have looked forward to each and every day.

    • janice
      Posted at 12:55h, 01 January Reply

      Really? Thanks Ruth!

  • MonybeaN
    Posted at 11:19h, 01 January Reply

    Oh MY GOODness!!! Fantastically fabulous! Well done sweet pea! I too got misty eyed watching your little slide show of the past 365 days! (Great song btw). I’m loving your sparkler cupcake =)

    • janice
      Posted at 12:56h, 01 January Reply

      Thanks girl :)
      Here’s to 2011!
      52 weeks – piece of cake ;)

  • Jillsy Girl
    Posted at 12:55h, 01 January Reply

    I just love that video!! I could watch it over and over (and I’m sure I will). I’m so glad I found your blog (I’m not sure how, but I did) and I look forward to Project52!!

    • janice
      Posted at 12:59h, 01 January Reply

      Thanks hon!
      I think it was Creativity Boot Camp?
      Not sure, but I’m glad too. You’re a wonderful (and talented!) woman :)

  • Sue
    Posted at 19:42h, 01 January Reply

    Fantabdamnulous! I enjoyed each and every shot, J!!! I know it was a lot of work! But you should know that it brought eye pleasing joy with each shot, wistful sighs at the way you captured so much in a single frame, and for that I, and I guess we, thank you!!!

    • janice
      Posted at 00:18h, 02 January Reply

      No, I thank you, my supportive friend.

  • Micheline Harvey
    Posted at 20:05h, 01 January Reply

    Bravo, darling. Bravo! :))

    • janice
      Posted at 00:18h, 02 January Reply

      *taking a bow :)

  • juanita
    Posted at 22:10h, 01 January Reply

    Wow!!! Just Wow….Loved it.
    and the song was you long time my Friend.

    • janice
      Posted at 00:19h, 02 January Reply

      Love you right back, girlfriend.
      Did you like your cameo appearances? ;)

  • Jan's camera
    Posted at 22:16h, 01 January Reply

    Congrats on your 365 day project. That is quite an accomplishment. The video was great. Happy New Year to you.

    • janice
      Posted at 00:20h, 02 January Reply

      And to you!
      Jan … LOL … it’s about to get confusing around here ;)

  • maureen@cottage 960
    Posted at 22:29h, 01 January Reply

    wow. I’ve seen a few of these 365 videos recently.
    but really, yours is amazing.
    your images are so beautiful, i’m sitting here with tears streaming for how beautiful it is.
    i love how your furbaby makes appearances every now and then
    and still, my favorite photo of all time is the one of your daughter holding the frame.
    and i loved seeing the photos from when I found you and began following your photo stream.
    like old friends.
    looking forward to Focus 52
    but i’ve also decided to take the plunge and begin a 365.
    so glad to have found you in 2010
    cheers to 2011!

    • janice
      Posted at 00:22h, 02 January Reply

      Crazy woman! But cool too. You can sum up your 365 week, through it in the pool, and be all nice and tidy :)
      I don’t think I could make it through a whole year again, so soon. It’s a lot.

      Glad I found you too, chick. You’ve been inspirational in so many ways.
      I thank you xoxo

  • maureen
    Posted at 23:12h, 01 January Reply

    LOL at your tag.

    • janice
      Posted at 00:23h, 02 January Reply

      ROFL! at least somebody noticed ;)

  • Jennifer
    Posted at 08:43h, 02 January Reply

    Janice –

    Loved the video.. Congratulations on completing this BIG project!! You did an amazing job!!! Looking forward to many, many more photos!!! :-)

    • janice
      Posted at 11:04h, 02 January Reply

      Thanks Jennifer!
      You should join in with your brand new camera!
      There’s no better way to learn :)

  • CP
    Posted at 13:58h, 02 January Reply

    I am crying my eyes out here. I told you I was going to get emotional when this came to a close…

    but your video did me in.

    And while I know I have always told you which ones were my favorites, I also realized that there were a few I must have missed somehow…or had just forgotten about.

    The one of you behind the iron fence? Beautiful. Made me think of a song called “Woman in Chains” by Tears for Fears. That song brings up so much emotion for me. If you listen to it, hear the lyrics…and remember any of my history, you’ll know why. That picture should be on the cover of the album. It’s perfect.

    The other? I don’t remember if I saw it already, but I remember doing the “To Write Love On Her Arms” project with my husband and son and my taking pictures of it. You thanked me for it, told me “you needed to see that” that day…and then, as your pictures were going by…I saw one with “love” written in script on your arm.

    And it made me cry just a little harder…because I felt like I actually might have inspired a tiny piece of your artistic world. If I didn’t…shhhhhh…don’t tell me. I like the way it felt. :)

    I am excited for the new year, the new project…

    I closed my Facebook account to ready myself for it emotionally. I don’t want to expend useless energy there any more. I want to put my heart and soul back on my blog…where it belongs and alongside the people who understand me best.

    Thank you for this good, hard, cathartic cry.

    I’m ready. Bring it on. xoxoxo

    • janice
      Posted at 14:49h, 02 January Reply

      I was waiting for you to watch. Honestly, I really was. Because when I do things like this, I do it for certain people too, and one of those certain people is you :)

      Love you muchly, chickadee. You always lift me up, build me up, make me feel that I can do so much more than I think I can. That is irreplaceable.


      PS – you DID inspire that post. It’s there in the comments ;)

  • Angie
    Posted at 17:34h, 02 January Reply

    Congratulations on kicking ass and taking names. Having done the same, I know what a liberating and empowering feeling it is. Looking forward to more photography and a little less pressure in 2011. Cheers!

    • janice
      Posted at 17:42h, 02 January Reply

      empowering! Exactly!!!
      Cheers to us Angie – glad to have you along for focus 52 :)

  • Amber Rogers
    Posted at 11:15h, 03 January Reply

    I love the video and the song! It was great to see a year through your lens!

    • janice
      Posted at 11:21h, 03 January Reply

      Thanks Amber!

  • Jamie s
    Posted at 15:16h, 03 January Reply

    Congratulations! I’ve loved following along as you reach this amazing accomplishment.

    • janice
      Posted at 16:39h, 03 January Reply

      I’m so happy we met up.
      You know, the more I think about it, we should all go give Maegan big kisses. Boot Camp Forever, or something like that. LOL! ;)

  • Robin
    Posted at 09:11h, 04 January Reply

    So awesome, way to go!!!

    • janice
      Posted at 16:40h, 04 January Reply

      Thanks girl. And I’m glad you’re in for the next 52 weeks! Yay!

  • Rebecca Richardson
    Posted at 00:23h, 10 January Reply

    I love love love the video of your 365 images. The pics just blow me away…you are amazingly talented. Wonderful song….who is that????? I need to buy it…….

    xoxo Flickr-ite Red~Star

    • janice
      Posted at 00:37h, 10 January Reply

      That’s Natasha Bedingfield. Isn’t it a great song? Inspiring :)
      And coming from you, that is an amazing compliment! This project helped in so many ways. I should really make a list! I learned so, so much. Time consuming but so totally worth it.
      You should join us for focus52!
      Actually, I sent you a flickr mail ;)

  • Rebecca Richardson
    Posted at 00:47h, 10 January Reply

    Thanks for the info. I’ve never heard of Natasha Bedingfield but am glad I do now. Yea, I should join the focus52 but am trying to find ways to spend less time on the computer instead of more. Places like Flickr has been so addictive for me the past four years, I’ve decided that this year I’ve got to find a way to not sit at the computer so much and spend more time outside taking pics. I’m just very apprehensive to jump into something new. But I’m sure it would be beneficial and sounds like fun.

    Thanks for asking.

    xoox Red~Star

    • janice
      Posted at 01:02h, 10 January Reply

      Well if you change your mind, jump in anytime! :)

  • maureen
    Posted at 00:02h, 13 January Reply

    hey GF.
    been thinking about you and your project and this awesome vid
    just had to come back and see it again.
    *sigh* just as breathtaking as i remembered it.
    you. inspire. me.

    • janice
      Posted at 00:13h, 13 January Reply

      awww … thanks Maureen.
      I hope everybody is as pumped this week as they were last.
      We shall see :)

  • Juan Carlos
    Posted at 08:49h, 31 December Reply

    Congratulations for finishing such a beautiful project!!

    • janice
      Posted at 09:42h, 31 December Reply

      Thanks Juan!

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