big plans, baby {363/365}

We usually have big plans around here for New Year’s Eve.

Chinese food and movies, movies, movies.
Every year.

I’m a total party animal ;)


9 MUSES MUSING: 18 Days of Holiday Prompts and Daily Giveaways, December 15th to January 1st. Come join in!

You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters and Designer Digitals. For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • CP
    Posted at 00:14h, 30 December Reply

    Dude, it truly makes me sad that your project is over. I am so glad I got to see it from early on…but now that it’s over, it’s like…the end of something really special. Like, I know you will keep taking pictures. That’s who you are, it’s in your blood. But, I just counted on looking at them every day. Some times I would comment, sometimes I would just look and smile. Other times, I would heist a pic for my desk top…LOL I know…bad me. Bad. LOL But your stuff was just that good sometimes. Your summertime pictures were my favorites…breezy curtains, clean crisp white sheets…I loved those airy shots. Daisies. So pretty.

    But now, it’s over…and I am strangely emotional about it.

    • janice
      Posted at 00:30h, 30 December Reply

      Not over!
      Check out the focus52 in the sidebar there.
      AND? I want you to join in with your writing. Yes, I do.
      Get on that.

      I love that you’re emotional.
      Gives me the warm, loving fuzzies :)

  • CP
    Posted at 01:16h, 30 December Reply

    I am thinking of some of the pics that I really remember over the past year.

    ~The first time you used that starfish looking coral next to a piece of white pottery (I think!).
    ~The first barn pic I remember you taking. I know it was in March…because I wanted to blow it up to give to my mom for her wedding anniversary. She loves old barn photos. *No, I didn’t do it. Don’t sue me*
    ~That HORRIFYING pic of the close up of the bee that gave me nightmares.
    ~The recent bench Monday that reminded me of a suicide…on the same week my friend committed suicide.
    ~The one you took of all the horses in the corral. That was an early one too I think.
    ~All the graveyard photos…because that’s an obsession with me.
    ~The pic of the camera with the bandaid on it. That one gets to me because of the conversation it lead to between you and I…that conversation meant the world to me.
    ~The pic of your daughter holding up the frame to the sky. That was amazing. I loved that one.
    ~The carnival photos.

    But my very favorite of all? The picture of the statues of the musicians. You know why I love that one so much. And of course, the one above it, taken in the 80’s. That picture and the blurb you wrote to go with it touched me so damn deeply. And it made me write you an email sharing my grief and the feelings that picture invoked in me.

    So, Happy New Year, my friend. And thank you for a beautiful year of your magic. Moreover, thank you for being my friend for all these years…for your honesty, your never ending ability to listen to me even when I am not making much sense, for your willingness to call me out when I am not being “right” and for all the secrets you’ve kept. For all the laughter. For always holding my virtual hand.

    And for my amazingly beautiful blog that is so pretty that it made me want to start writing again.

    Thank you for being you. I wish I could capture your beauty in words as magically as you do with your camera….it would end up a novel for sure.

    I love you muchly…so muchly.


    • janice
      Posted at 01:25h, 30 December Reply

      Well damn. You just made me cry.
      Thank you, my amazing friend. Love you muchly, right back.

  • maureen
    Posted at 01:22h, 30 December Reply

    heh heh
    me too, party animal that is. I am so looking forward to staying home and maybe indulging in a pedicure while I watch a chick flick. And of course, surf the flickr streams a bit.
    simple life, i like it much.
    And, can i just add, i agree with CP about your photography. I didn’t see if from the beginning, but what i have seen is pure magic. Especially the one of your daughter holding the frame. That is still a fav of mine.
    looking forward to a fun new project with you in the new year

    • janice
      Posted at 01:30h, 30 December Reply

      Simple rocks.
      Going out for New Years holds no appeal for me at all. I’d rather be warm and cozy at home with friends and family, although in recent years it’s just been me and the husband.
      That’s okay too though ;)

      Thanks so much Maureen … I’ve thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with you this year. I’ve valued your support and encouragement more than you probably know or realize.
      2011 is going to be great!

  • Jillsy Girl
    Posted at 08:37h, 30 December Reply

    To me, NYE is an infringement on my birthday (truly), it cuts it short by about 6 hours and I have NEVER been able to go out for a quiet romantic dinner. So, we do the quiet, romantic dinner thing on the 30th (tonight) each year, unless hubby decides to fix me up a super-duper dinner at home on the 31st. This year, my youngest bro and his wife are coming over to celebrate with us (first time ever since we became adults! Why, you ask? because he moved to Atlanta this year!)

    But, if I ever eat out on my actual birthday it’s normally Chinese, too!! :-)

    My most memorable NYE/Birthdays have been staying at home with family and friends and playing Charades, although, it’s been many years since that’s happened. Maybe tomorrow!

    • janice
      Posted at 09:20h, 30 December Reply

      awww! I always feel bad for Christmas babies and New Year babies. You guys get ripped off!
      But tell the truth now – did you party like it was 1999 when you were a teen? ;)

      HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY, girlfriend!
      Have a wonderful night with your family.

  • Micheline Harvey
    Posted at 09:42h, 30 December Reply

    For us it’s looking like a sushi platter or some Moroccan takeout and a bottle of sparkling wine while watching all the year-end TV specials in the living room. Party animal, c’est moi! ;)

    • janice
      Posted at 11:57h, 30 December Reply

      Me too, and that’s how I like it ;)

  • Bari
    Posted at 10:57h, 30 December Reply

    My inlaws got me two new lenses for Christmas! So, I hope to keep up with the new project. I’ve ignored both blogs, but my photography has taken a beating. I thought of you the other day when one of my friends made a comment and said, “what is with everyone thinking they are a photographer?” She back peddled and said I was good, but it still stung. I never said I was a photographer, I said I liked to take pictures….bitch. LOL

    We host a party at our house each year. I think this year, including us we will have six couples. Should be fun.

    Happy New Year my friend! <3

    • janice
      Posted at 12:03h, 30 December Reply

      LOL! Why did you think of ME?!!
      Meh, pay no mind. I don’t like titles anyway ;)

      Have an awesome party and Happy (early) New Year to you too!

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