winter glow {356/365}

I have a weakness for scented candles. They’re everywhere in my house and this time of year I can’t get enough of the scents of pine, spice and citrus. Yankee Candles are my favourite. One small jar candle will scent your entire house, I swear. Love them.

(Yankee Candle people? Can you lower your prices a wee bit please? Y’all are killing me over here)

I also have a weakness for lanterns. Any type, any colour. It’s a problem.

But ties in nicely with the other, doesn’t it?


Processed in lightroom. Gorgeous texture courtesy of the fabulous Isabelle Lafrance. Thanks Isabelle!

The word prompt for today from the Mortal Muses is, you guessed it – candle ;)

Up next? Snowflakes!!!

No shortage of those around here ;)


9 MUSES MUSING: 18 Days of Holiday Prompts and Daily Giveaways, December 15th to January 1st. Come join in!

You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters and Designer Digitals. For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Serendipity
    Posted at 21:46h, 22 December Reply

    This is a gorgeous photograph! I am so envious of your live fir tree, we have to have artificial ones here due to the heat, there is nothing as lovely as the smell of pine.

    • janice
      Posted at 08:02h, 23 December Reply

      Thanks! But it comes hand in hand with a LOT of snow ;)

  • Jamie S
    Posted at 23:42h, 22 December Reply

    So beautiful

    • janice
      Posted at 08:02h, 23 December Reply

      Thanks Jamie :)

  • blue elephant photography
    Posted at 23:51h, 22 December Reply

    so pretty!

    • janice
      Posted at 10:36h, 23 December Reply

      So many awesome images from everybody coming out of these prompts!

  • Kat
    Posted at 08:39h, 23 December Reply

    Lovely image. I think I have that same candle lantern! I will have to try the Yankee Candles sometimes. I feel the same way about PartyLite – wonderful candles but ouch! The price! Thanks so much for linking in with the Muses!

    • janice
      Posted at 08:53h, 23 December Reply

      Well, they’re cheaper than partylite! So that’s something? LOL!
      Give them a try, you’ll love them.

  • Tug
    Posted at 09:38h, 23 December Reply

    Beautiful J, absolutely beautiful. <3

    • janice
      Posted at 10:38h, 23 December Reply

      Thanks C!
      I’ve always wanted to do a candle-lined walkway outside. You know, like in the mags? LOL :)
      I think those people probably don’t get half the snow we do here though. Mine would be buried in under 24 hours ;)

      • Tug
        Posted at 10:48h, 23 December Reply

        My mom has done it in snow, the bulbs burn the snow around them & it looks pretty!

        • janice
          Posted at 11:11h, 23 December Reply

          Have you SEEN the amount of snow we get here?
          hmmm … maybe a small torch would work! LOL!

          It does look so pretty. One of these days I’ll get on it!

  • Geneil
    Posted at 21:59h, 23 December Reply

    it’s lovely, Jan. Merry Christmas to you!

    • janice
      Posted at 10:44h, 24 December Reply

      and to you!

  • Sue
    Posted at 10:13h, 24 December Reply

    Two words – Just beautiful!
    Oh shucks – you know I can’t just say two words about a photo like this, J. It’s absolutely gorgeous! This one brings me into the picture. I can almost smell the fir, and feel the heat from the candle… It’s just beautiful!!!

    • janice
      Posted at 10:44h, 24 December Reply

      I just love you to death, SuzyQ.

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