bling {341/365}

This time of year, you can never have too much bling :)

bling 341/365

Textures from the generous and talented Jerry, over at Shadowhouse Creations.


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters and Designer Digitals.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Rachel
    Posted at 05:41h, 08 December Reply

    Love love love it! Absolutely gorgeous, and the textures are perfectly subtle. Did I mention I love it?

    • janice
      Posted at 08:07h, 08 December Reply

      You did! Thanks girl :) xoxo

  • June B.
    Posted at 06:47h, 08 December Reply

    I love bling – and I love red for Christmas.

    • janice
      Posted at 08:08h, 08 December Reply

      I seem to have somehow migrated towards a mostly red, white and silver tree. And glass.
      I like it :)

  • Geneil
    Posted at 08:09h, 08 December Reply

    gorgeous shot. love the composition.

  • Jillsy
    Posted at 11:18h, 08 December Reply

    so festive!! love it!

  • Tug
    Posted at 00:46h, 12 December Reply

    Awesome capture, and the texture adds ‘just enough’.

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