well that didn’t take long {302/365}

and now I just have to figure out how to use it …

well that didn't take long ... 302/365

Canon 60D.  It’s like I went from crawling to a flat out, full tilt run.

and I need some training wheels ;)


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters and Designer Digitals.
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  • Monybean
    Posted at 08:36h, 30 October Reply

    First of all your BEA-U-TIFUL!!! Secondly I am SOOOOOOO excited for you and your new 60D adventure (okay for what ever reason bra sizes popped into my head- I guess I haven’t had nearly enough coffee this morning)!!! Lastly- full out running can be DANGEROUS so be careful and have FU-UN!! =)

  • geneil
    Posted at 09:57h, 30 October Reply

    Yay! You’ll love it I’m sure. I got the 50D for my birthday in August and then of course they come out with the 60D shortly thereafter. Story of my life. But I’m still happy with the 50D.

  • Jamie S
    Posted at 16:34h, 30 October Reply

    Gorgeous new camera – can’t wait to see what you do with it.

  • Katrina Kennedy
    Posted at 09:33h, 31 October Reply

    Congratulations! You’ll do amazing things with this camera because you did amazing things before this camera!

  • janice
    Posted at 10:16h, 31 October Reply

    Thanks guys! I’m having a lot of fun playing around with it. So many new options! It’s apparent I’ve been very deprived ;)

  • Tug
    Posted at 21:18h, 31 October Reply

    Love this photo of you, and YAY for the new camera!!

  • Rachel
    Posted at 07:27h, 03 November Reply

    Hey there cutie! Enjoy your new toy!

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