11 Oct magda bench {284/365}
It’s Canadian Thanksgiving today (and obviously *Bench Monday)
I was sooo wishing for one of those fake rubber turkeys to hold for this shot …
Wouldn’t that have been too cool, or what? ha!
soooo gotta get me one of those …
I may or may not be back with a shot of the real turkey (with all the yummy fixin’s), depending on whether or not the men let it sit for longer than two seconds.
Or how sneaky I am in setting the table.
hmmm …
Happy *Bench Monday!
and …
Happy Thanksgiving to all of my fellow Canadians.
Are y’all in a turkey coma yet? :p
*Updated to Add: I did get a few turkey shots. I’m overwhelmingly full. And tired. I’m going to bed. Total turkey coma *burb*
*Bench Monday Rules:
- Stand on a bench. Make sure it’s Monday. Wear something pretty.
- Only pictures added to the group on the day called Monday will be accepted. However, pictures do not actually have to be TAKEN on Monday.
- Extra points for live props. Double points for chickens :)
You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters and Designer Digitals.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.
Jamie S
Posted at 18:03h, 11 OctoberHappy Thanksgiving!
Posted at 21:53h, 11 OctoberThanks Jamie!
I ate too much.