oh the places you’ll go {282/365}


For the Simply Hue challenge this week, ‘autumn memories’. Probably not what she had in mind, but it’s sticking with me for some reason.

Kind of funny how our childhood memories are now considered ‘retro’.

Soon we’ll all be antiques ;)

How nice.

Processed with Isabelle Lafrance’s newest addition to her soulshine line up of presets for Lightroom. Isabelle rocks.


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters and Designer Digitals.
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  • jillsy
    Posted at 15:03h, 10 October Reply

    and pogo sticks!! :-)

    • janice
      Posted at 15:09h, 10 October Reply

      And stilts! Remember those?
      A few years back, daughter and I were at my Mom’s. There’s a rotary dial phone there.
      Yep, daughter hadn’t a clue how to use it. LOL! oh boy.

  • Tug
    Posted at 23:54h, 10 October Reply

    Love the retroness!

    (When I used to stay at my grandma’s, I had to call the operator to make a call. I don’t remember my friend’s number, but I do know it had letters and numbers. We also had party lines – lol)

    • janice
      Posted at 00:05h, 11 October Reply

      Party lines were SO cool!
      Well, when somebody else had them. Not too sure I’d like it myself. heh.
      Of course, we were teens and used to listen in to absolutely everybody’s conversations. Lee had some strange neighbours. LOL ;)

      • Tug
        Posted at 00:13h, 11 October Reply

        I felt the same way – loved listening in, hated using it for ME. lol

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