the return of … {252/365}


One of my favourite cold weather comforts.

the return of 252/365

A different type of shot than what I’m used to, all dark and blurred, and the jury’s still out on whether I like it or not.

The perfectionist in me wants everything crystal clear and bright but I’m trying to learn how to pummel her into submission ;)


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters and Designer Digitals.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Leslie
    Posted at 00:29h, 10 September Reply

    Personally, I freakin’ love it. It’s moody and abstract (though I’d’ve never guessed it was a bubble bath). Very romantic, in a dark, mysterious kinda way.

    • janice
      Posted at 06:52h, 10 September Reply

      Yeah, I was wondering if anybody would be able to make out the faucet. LOL!

  • Monybean
    Posted at 00:37h, 10 September Reply

    I LOVE your photo!!! its extraordinarily beautiful!! seriously, i like it A LOT!!

    • janice
      Posted at 06:53h, 10 September Reply

      Really?! Thanks girl!!!
      I’m still not sure. LOL! But obviously there’s something I like about it, since I put it up, just haven’t figured that out yet. ha.

  • Monybean
    Posted at 00:37h, 10 September Reply

    ps WHY doesn’t my picture come up??

    • janice
      Posted at 06:54h, 10 September Reply

      You didn’t enter your website ;)

      • Monybean
        Posted at 09:35h, 10 September Reply

        testing 1 2 3 testing 1 2 3

        • Monybean
          Posted at 09:37h, 10 September Reply

          testing 4 5 5 or something like that!

      • Monybean
        Posted at 09:39h, 10 September Reply

        evidently i don’t have a website! this is one of those kinda sucks to be me moments lmao ;)

        • janice
          Posted at 11:12h, 10 September Reply

          Okay, I fixed your comments for you. You have to put in your actual URL, which in your case would be or whatever blog you want it to be (you had the URL pointing to your profile) and you have to put that in when you sign in to comment – not in the comment luv spot (that thing will grab your last blog post all by itself, you don’t need to touch it unless you want to)
          But you also have to have a gravator (your pic) associated with whatever email you used to sign in to comment.
          Go to and get yourself one. You’ll be able to use it on every site you sign into :)

          • Monybean
            Posted at 21:51h, 13 September

            testing 10 11 12

          • Monybean
            Posted at 21:57h, 13 September

            one last time…

  • April
    Posted at 08:58h, 10 September Reply

    I really like it too! Moody yet romantic

    • janice
      Posted at 11:43h, 10 September Reply

      thanks April!

  • Jillsy
    Posted at 10:27h, 10 September Reply

    Pummel, Pummel!! The shot is perfect!

    • janice
      Posted at 11:43h, 10 September Reply

      LOL! ouch! :p

  • Jamie S
    Posted at 20:47h, 10 September Reply

    LOVE this!

  • Amber
    Posted at 22:44h, 10 September Reply

    I think it is wonderful…and it makes me want to take a bubble bath!

  • Tug
    Posted at 19:49h, 11 September Reply

    This is one of my faves EVER. I love shots that have such…I don’t know, feeling maybe? It draws me in, serious love. <3

  • janice
    Posted at 19:58h, 11 September Reply

    I’m totally floored.
    But somehow not surprised.
    The shots that I fall instantly in love with, get a lukewarm response.
    The shots I’m not sure of, everybody likes! LOL!
    I need to re-examine my own personal tastes ;)

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