orient {240/365}

This week’s Sunday Creative prompt is ‘orient’ and I went with this …

4. To determine the bearings of.

"orient" 240/365

At first, I had that thumbtack stuck directly on my little town.

And then I figured I might as well publish my address and telephone number while I was at it.



Still, Toronto is close enough.  And I did keep the shot with my town.  I like it :)

A lot of directions (no pun intended – honest) this word prompt could have taken and as usual I’m last minute girl, so this is what I’m going with.  I didn’t want to miss the party twice in a row, misjudging time zones.

I may (or may not) (probably not) be back later with something else :)


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters and Designer Digitals.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Jamie S
    Posted at 19:27h, 28 August Reply

    I love this! SO creative! Pefect

  • Maegan
    Posted at 20:22h, 28 August Reply

    I love this image! The tones are amazing! Great interpretation!

  • Amber
    Posted at 22:01h, 28 August Reply

    I really like this…..I have been totally unfaithful with the Sunday creative, which really disappoints me….I have not even done one of them! I think you did a good job too of moving the thumb tack, no stalkers please!

    • janice
      Posted at 23:14h, 28 August Reply

      Yes Amber, shame on you for going on a medical mission to Brazil and neglecting your groups. LOL!
      Silly :)
      You rock.

  • sarah
    Posted at 14:11h, 30 August Reply

    This is such a great picture! I have definitely learned to rely on my GPS to get around, but I adore a real paper and ink map. I love that red thumb tack!

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