garden bench {228/365}

Note to self:  garden bench legs need some new screws.

Or something.

garden bench monday 228/365

(MY legs could use some moisturizer)

My girlfriend Laura and I actually built this bench some ten or eleven years ago. Shamefully, it lost it’s place in my kitchen and has spent the past two years outside.

Wintertime too.

In the snow.

Poor little bench.

It needs some TLC. The fact that I almost cracked my head open wobbling around on it kind of gave me a clue ;)

ummm …

Happy *Bench Monday!
(the wobbly edition)

*Bench Monday Rules:

  1. Stand on a bench. Make sure it’s Monday. Wear something pretty.
  2. Only pictures added to the group on the day called Monday will be accepted. However, pictures do not actually have to be TAKEN on Monday.
  3. Extra points for live props. Double points for chickens :)


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters and Designer Digitals.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Leslie @ crunchybetty
    Posted at 21:11h, 16 August Reply

    Wooo, baby. Look at them legs! Sexy, seriously. Especially with those shoes.

    If anyone ever wants a wall full of bench pictures, I’m SO sending them your way.

  • Jamie S
    Posted at 21:18h, 16 August Reply

    You may have risked your neck, but you got a great photo out of it.

  • MonybeaN
    Posted at 22:34h, 16 August Reply

    your wobbly hbm is lovely! and i don’t see anything wrong with having a couple screws loose… it keeps things interesting!! LOL (but to be on the safe side you might want to wear a helmet next time (just sayin’) ;)

  • Maureen @ Cottage 960
    Posted at 12:39h, 17 August Reply

    sweet photo. love the shoes. I too have an old garden bench that once had a place of pride inside, but alas has been sent outside to weather the storms. I found out the exact same way that it’s beyond wobbly when I took a bench photo myself earlier this summer. My poor neglected bench has at least been moved onto the covered porch, hopefully to have many more years of usefulness. Love the flowers in your shot.

  • june
    Posted at 18:08h, 17 August Reply

    It’s a brave woman who shows her knees! Kudos!

    • janice
      Posted at 18:15h, 17 August Reply

      You won’t catch me showing my thighs! LOL :)

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