bench monday trespassing {214/365}

At first, I stopped because of the cool signs and the available standing spot to make daughter clamber up onto.  That’ll work, I thought.

But then she found a snail, and well …

No Trespassing 214/365

Don’t worry, she didn’t step on him.

In fact, when I plucked a smaller one off of the fence and tossed him on the ground, I got,

“MOM!!! Did you just THROW HIM ON THE GROUND??!!!”


That’s my girl.

It’s a good thing she’s not around when I’m picking them out of the garden and tossing them out onto the road.

and now I have snail guilt.


Happy *Bench Monday!


***Bench Monday Rules:

  1. Stand on a bench. Make sure it’s Monday. Wear something pretty.
  2. Only pictures added to the group on the day called Monday will be accepted. However, pictures do not actually have to be TAKEN on Monday.
  3. Extra points for live props. Double points for chickens :)

(triple points for snails?)


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters and Designer Digitals.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • MonybeaN
    Posted at 08:34h, 03 August Reply

    I’m loving those pretty pink toes!!!!

  • Lisa
    Posted at 08:43h, 03 August Reply

    You are so talented Janice :) of Course having such a beautiful daughter kinda gives You a little bit of an edge :) LOL

  • Jillsy
    Posted at 08:57h, 03 August Reply

    those pink toenails complete these shots! and that little snail is so adorable!

  • Jamie S
    Posted at 20:17h, 03 August Reply

    She’s much braver than me – I’d have squealed and jumped off.

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