keep your cool {208/365}

I received an invite today from the talented Maureen to join their new flickr group, an extension of  their cool new site, Mortal Muses.

(or is it the other way around – Muses is an extension of their flickr group?)

(well now I’m confused)

(like that’s new)

Their theme for this week is “stay cool”

keep your cool 208/365

You could pretend that’s an ice cold beer if you prefer, but the pellegrino bottle is prettier ;)

Fun stuff, Maureen … thanks for the invite!

At this rate with all of the groups I’ve joined, if you ever hear me complain of a lack of ideas or inspiration feel free to slap me in the head, okay?

PS – 100mm, not 50 ;)


Taken for the women of Mortal Muses.
You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters and Designer Digitals.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Maureen @ Cottage 960
    Posted at 00:48h, 28 July Reply

    I L.O.V.E. this shot! I can’t believe how quickly you came up with this. perfect. So glad you joined in the fun.

    • janice
      Posted at 01:05h, 28 July Reply

      You saved me, actually. I had squat for ideas ;)

  • justine Gordon
    Posted at 04:32h, 07 August Reply

    a great shot!

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