moooooo! {203/365}

I had a few giggles with the captions you guys came up with for this.  Between here, facebook and flickr, I was pretty entertained.

I made that shot my desktop pic at work. heh.

I don’t know what it is but I seem to be fascinated with these guys.  I pass them on the way to the office every single day, and most days I stop and take a few shots.

Some of these are from today, some from yesterday.


Something about this next one makes me want an easter cream egg :)


The flies are insane. Even standing out on the road, they’re enough to drive you crazy.

I felt sorry for Mama here …


She wasn’t happy with the whole fly situation at all …


See? Poor Mama.  She looks peeved.

This little guy is my favourite. So darn cute …

mooo! from day 203

and a little inquisitive …

mooo! 203/365

because it’s all good to be brave when Mom’s watching …

mooo! from day 203

She’s giving me the old “yeah, I’m watching you, y’weirdo” look.  It’s the universal look of mother’s everywhere (I’ve totally perfected mine).

I’m staying on my side of the fence. I don’t mess with Mama’s.

And is that not some weird-ass bokeh on that last one?  There was some long grass in front of me, so I guess that’s the result?  Whatever it is, it’s pretty cool looking :)

Anyways …

I’m sure you haven’t seen the last of cow’s around here.

And as the majority of you agree on the caption for yesterday’s shot, it seems only fitting to say …




You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Betty Anne
    Posted at 01:24h, 23 July Reply

    Cool story with a great ending : )

  • June
    Posted at 08:03h, 23 July Reply

    I like “The End” the best. And where this fascination comes from may be your ancestors who farmed on the Manitoulin Island for several generations.

  • Lori
    Posted at 09:29h, 23 July Reply

    haha, funny, love that, the end!

  • Maureen
    Posted at 14:59h, 23 July Reply

    how did I miss all of this? too much fun. You got a lot of great shots.

  • Tug
    Posted at 15:17h, 25 July Reply

    Love the 2nd one! We have tons of cows around, but most of them I can get to are angus, & all black is hard to photograph. *sigh*

    • janice
      Posted at 16:12h, 25 July Reply

      Totally! I tried a few and yeah … ick.
      I can’t find a dairy cow to save my life, it seems. WANT! :)

      • Tug
        Posted at 16:53h, 25 July Reply

        We’ve got dairies all around – come visit & I’ll work up the balls to drive into one for photos!

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