market fence {197/365}

I’m not sure how many times I’ve passed this place over the years, and yet I’ve never turned down their road to have a look.

market fence 197/365

I’m probably missing out on a lot of good stuff!

This sign is actually about a mile down the road from the farm.  The actual sign in front of the place is a little nicer.

(cough*not by much*cough)

Anyways … it’s friday. woooot!  and around these parts, that means Fence Friday.

Once again, saved by a creative prompt.  Life has gotten far too busy lately, and I’m really not enjoying this whole ‘take a shot when you have a second’ thing I’ve been doing.  It’s putting a serious damper on the ol’ creative flow.

That makes me cranky.

I need to re-evaluate my whole time management thing.

That said, there’s a few upcoming events that I’m looking forward to, chock full of photo ops.  yay!  Now the trick is to actually physically get myself to said events. heh.

Enjoy your weekend!

I plan to ;)


This shot taken for flickr groups Fence Friday and Fench Friday.

You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • june
    Posted at 21:26h, 16 July Reply

    Rich and I have been on holidays for the last week and I’m falling behind with your photos. They continue to be wonderful.

  • Tug
    Posted at 17:31h, 17 July Reply

    When you get the time management thing figured out, share will you? I love old fences…very nice!

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