it’s a dog’s life {180/365}

The girls over at I Heart Faces decided to make Week 26 all about our furry family members (if I hear any cracks about my possibly hairy legs and such, there’s going to be trouble) so I spent some time today terrorizing DaisyPuppy.

As usual, I can’t decide on a shot.

So help me out, will ya?


I’d LOVE to use that bottom one with the big doggy yawn, but it’s blurry. Figures. I love it though! Whatever … it looks good in the collage, all small sized.  heh.

I think I’m going to go with this one …

DaisyPuppy 180/365

which is also a tad blurry, and more than a bit blown out in spots.

(but omg is she not seriously CUTE?!! hehee!)

So yeah.

Not sure.

Which would you pick?  Would you say screw it and go with the blurry yawn anyway?

I dunno.

Hurry up … I have to put it up tomorrow ;)

(Miss Daisy wishes to inform you that she will be visiting the Doggy Spa on the 8th, and asks that you please withhold all judgement on the state of her cleanliness until that time.  You’d look like hell too if you had to pee in the rain)


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Donna
    Posted at 00:23h, 30 June Reply

    I like the top right.

    • janice
      Posted at 00:38h, 30 June Reply

      I do too, but I don’t know because she’s looking down.
      It reminded me of The Brady Bunch when I laid it out like that. LOL! The opening, remember?

  • Nicci
    Posted at 06:30h, 30 June Reply

    aawe she is sooooooooooooooooooooooo cute and fluffy! Like a big cotton ball! LURV HER!

    I like them all but the bottom left one is so cute and has that “great, there she is with that camera again” look.

    • Nicci
      Posted at 06:31h, 30 June Reply

      oops, right and left. Can’t tell the difference today. bottom right. sigh.

  • Jamie S
    Posted at 06:36h, 30 June Reply

    What an adorable dog – I couldn’t never pick one

  • Leslie
    Posted at 14:04h, 30 June Reply

    I want to mush this puppy in my arms!

    But my favorite is the one in the middle, right above the doggy yawn. She looks like she’s about to tell a joke or something. TOO cute!

  • Shelley Young
    Posted at 17:03h, 30 June Reply

    I like the one in the middle above the doggie yawn, too…you can totally tell she’s laughing at you! lol

  • kim
    Posted at 00:34h, 01 July Reply

    May I please borrow your Daisy for a few days? I just want to squeeze her, she is just so mushy and cute!!!
    My favorite is the big yawn, can’t see that it’s blurry in the small size. My 2nd pic is the middle one with her teeth showing, something about that one is catching my eye. They are all so good, you could not make a bad choice.

  • geneil
    Posted at 22:20h, 01 July Reply

    She is so dang cute… hope you win the contest. I can never get it together for those… oh well.

  • elk
    Posted at 23:26h, 30 July Reply

    so happy to have this sweet heart at the pet parade today…beautiful

    • janice
      Posted at 23:36h, 30 July Reply

      Thanks for having me!
      I never did end up submitting any of these that day. LOL!
      Day late, dollar short ;)

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