open {178/365}

Today kicks off The Sunday Creative, hosted by the fabulous Maegan Beishline of Creativity Boot Camp fame.

Maegan’s prompt for this week is “open” and I was sooo going to play it safe and easy and go grab a shot of a neon OPEN sign, or something like that.

And then my girl Juanita came knocking on my door, all surprise sneaky like, and I totally trained my camera on her.


I’ll be sharing shots of her tomorrow because it’s getting to be way past my bedtime, but I’ll leave you with my shot for “open”, where I called her back after she’d already left my house and dragged her here …

open 178/365

Longtime girlfriends are the absolute best!

You can meet her tomorrow :)


You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Abigail
    Posted at 02:51h, 28 June Reply

    This is SO beautiful! I can’t wait to see more of your work…

  • Louise
    Posted at 06:27h, 28 June Reply

    A beautiful picture. Open in the open!

  • Monybean
    Posted at 10:01h, 28 June Reply

    I guess I should have totally read your blog before my flickr comment…. OOPS! Happy Monday :)

    • janice
      Posted at 18:15h, 28 June Reply

      LOL! I was wondering! ;)

  • April
    Posted at 10:24h, 28 June Reply

    That is open! very nice :)

  • Faith
    Posted at 14:16h, 28 June Reply

    I SO love this!! What a beautiful shot – I love the colors.

  • Wendy
    Posted at 17:51h, 28 June Reply

    Wow! Fantastic!

  • Jillsy
    Posted at 18:21h, 28 June Reply

    you can’t get much more open that that!! great shot!

  • Jamie S
    Posted at 19:41h, 28 June Reply


  • Tug
    Posted at 20:31h, 28 June Reply

    Love the photo, but dammit. Dixie Chicks are IN MY HEAD NOW. I totally blame you. ;-)

    • janice
      Posted at 00:22h, 29 June Reply

      oh great, me too now!!!
      she needs wide open spaces … dadadeeeee ….
      damn :p

  • Maegan
    Posted at 21:44h, 30 June Reply

    What an amazing photo and interpretation! Thank you so much for joining us in The Sunday Creative!

  • Abi
    Posted at 16:40h, 02 July Reply

    Wow, that is a beautiful photo, and I love your interpretation of the word “open”!

  • Kristy Life n Reflection Photography
    Posted at 16:13h, 31 August Reply

    This a great shot! Love the color!

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