grow {161/365}

Day Five of Creativity Boot Camp and the prompt for today is “grow”

Ooooh … lots of ideas for this one.

I was going to go ahead and get all philosophical on your unsuspecting heads.  Talk about personal growth and such.  I can be quite wordy at times.  And a nerd.

You’ve been spared.

Part of today’s assignment dealt with music, specifically the music of your past and the memories/emotions that they invoke.  I don’t think there’s a single song that doesn’t hold some type of memory for me. I’m just that way. Music has always been a huge part of my life.  I grew up singing.  Hell, I was probably singing in the womb.  As a kid, I’d sing for literally hours on end and I still do to this day, although not quite as often.  I was a competitor in several festivals, played the lead in a musical when I was 12, snuck in a side door and sang in a bar when I was fifteen and kept right on trying to catch my dream pretty much up until the point I became a Mom.

So yeah.  Music?  Huge part of me.

One of my favourite pleasures is driving the backroads in the summertime and cranking the tunes, belting out whatever happens to be playing and just relaxing and taking in the scenery.

So that’s what I did today.

And during my travels, probably mid-song, my take on “grow” got put on the back-burner when I spotted this …


I waited quite a bit for that break in the clouds. A mail truck drove by and asked if I was broken down. heh.

The rays got some help from me.

So no life lessons or lectures on personal growth today.


I’m keeping a list of ideas from these prompts.  Y’know, for when Maegan abandons me and I’m left to my own devices :p

Philosophy is not entirely off the table ;)


Check out Creativity Boot Camp here, and/or on Flickr, Facebook, Twitter and BlogFrog.
Check out Maegan Beishline’s site, ‘Madeline Bea’, here.

You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Alison
    Posted at 22:06h, 10 June Reply

    really lovely “grow” representation. one of the best ones I’ve seen.

  • April
    Posted at 22:28h, 10 June Reply

    wow, this is really fantastic :)

  • claire
    Posted at 22:38h, 10 June Reply

    This is absolutely gorgeous! amazing photograph

  • MonybeaN
    Posted at 22:40h, 10 June Reply

    Well done!! Just curious as to what song was playing in your head as you were putting your final touches up?? For what ever reason John Cougar Mellencamp was playing in my head when I seen your shot :)

    Oh I loved your heavy metal shot too, for a brief moment I thought that was the neighbor again ;) first his empty wine bottle now his guns LOL

  • Betty Anne
    Posted at 22:50h, 10 June Reply

    WOW ! that is one AWESOME picture : )

  • Sasi S
    Posted at 22:54h, 10 June Reply

    There are lot of things I like with this shot.

    Wonderful placement of barn in this composition, nice depth, shadow on the field from those clouds, subtle rays falling on the barn…love this shot.

  • Mary Lesh
    Posted at 23:49h, 10 June Reply

    What a fabulous photo! It says it all. Certainly worth the wait.

  • Jamie S
    Posted at 00:57h, 11 June Reply

    Absolutely amazing photo.

  • Amber Rogers
    Posted at 11:33h, 11 June Reply

    I love your photo for grow. The colors are so vibrant and gorgeous. I just love it. And your blog is aweosme!

  • Hyacynth
    Posted at 16:31h, 11 June Reply

    So I was all bummed when you said we’d be spared the philosophical musings, but then you came out and spoke to my heart saying that there IS someone else who loves music like I do. I cannot think of a song that doesn’t hold a memory for me either.
    I live in a soundtrack. It’s just that normally I’m the only one who can hear it.
    And the photo is beautiful. The green is so lush and vibrant.

  • Sarah @ This Heavenly Life
    Posted at 16:59h, 11 June Reply

    THAT is cool. I’m so in awe of your photography talent and your CLEARLY hysterically funny personality :) I’m so glad you’re doing CBC!

    And the break in the clouds really did make all the difference, didn’t it? Gorgeous.

  • Wendy
    Posted at 11:30h, 12 June Reply

    Oh, I don’t know – that photo is kind of a life’s lesson – and the patience it took to get the right shot. It’s really awesome.

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