bench picnic {158/365}

Do you ever have one of those days where you feel like you’re chasing your own tail all day long?

Yeah, it’s one of those.

Anyways …

Day Two of Boot Camp!  Wooooot!

Today’s prompt is “picnic“.  Seeing as it’s also Bench Monday, I though I’d kill two birds with one stone …


and because I couldn’t decide (as usual) a bonus Bench Monday …


Such an overachiever.


Empty bottle of wine, grapes, dishes and assorted cloths, courtesy of my wonderful neighbor, Rob. And you know what’s funny?  Not a day earlier, another neighbor robbed him of his decor accessories to stage her house that’s up for sale. Hilarious!

Rob’s the go-to guy for cool stuffs.

The crate is mine.  Back off.

Pop Quiz time:  Did I? or Did I Not? write the letters on that chalkboard?  tick-tock!


Check out Creativity Boot Camp here, and/or on Flickr, Facebook, Twitter and BlogFrog.
Check out Maegan Beishline’s site, ‘Madeline Bea’, here.

You can find my 365 project on flickr or check out the flickr group for Shutter Sisters.
For all daily photos posted here – Click project365 in the Category list in the right sidebar.

  • Hyacynth
    Posted at 00:15h, 08 June Reply

    Beautiful black and white photograph. I’m not a photographer so I cannot comment technically, I just can say my eyes find it so very lovely. :)

    And your banter at the end of the post? HILarious! Not gonna even thing about taking your crate!

  • kim
    Posted at 01:07h, 08 June Reply

    You blew this one away!!! I can see right now that I’m going to have to do much better tomorrow. Not only did you pull off a great shot for the CBC, you managed to get a HBM in there too. me jealous :(

  • geneil
    Posted at 08:36h, 08 June Reply

    really great shots! and since you asked, I’m guessing that you did NOT write the letters on the chalkboard… Photoshop??

    • janice
      Posted at 22:24h, 09 June Reply

      I HAD written HBM! on there and then I thought it looked like crap, so I virtually erased it and wrote this. LOL!

  • Nicci
    Posted at 12:10h, 08 June Reply

    oye vey! Another group I might have to join. I will have to see when the posts are made since most of these groups are on the other side of the world and post the projects too late for me to join in the fun.

    BTW, great shots! ;)

  • Anesha
    Posted at 10:43h, 09 June Reply

    Love the photos, great idea!

  • Tug
    Posted at 22:22h, 09 June Reply

    The setups here? FABULOUS. Totally awesome, love these shots!

    • janice
      Posted at 22:25h, 09 June Reply

      Sepia, for you :)

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