i heart lilacs {153/365}

You were expecting a plain old lilac, weren’t you … tsk-tsk …


The petals from one of the most fragrant lilacs I have, and for the life of me, I can’t remember it’s name. And really, do you call them petals? They’re not really petals … more like teeny flowers themselves.

Beats me.

They smell fantastic though.

So I have a bowl full of these and I need to search out the web for ideas on what to do with them, or if there even is something I can do with them. No idea. Will they keep their scent awhile like lavender? Will they dry out nicely or just turn into a wilted soggy mess? Questions, questions.

Anyways …

This was shot with my fancy lighting system again and there are five different textures on there too, all from Jerry Jones – aka Skeletal Mess  (who, I’ll say it again, kicks ass) of Shadowhouse Creations.

Could you tell it was a heart?  Or did it just look like a big ol’ blob of pink? :p


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  • Nicci
    Posted at 04:22h, 03 June Reply

    Not sure what you call them. They look so delicate yet sharp (as in ouch!).
    .-= Nicci´s last blog ..#100 Biking =-.

  • Sue
    Posted at 06:14h, 03 June Reply

    Beautiful! I wish we could grow them here but it is too hot. I’m curious about the cultivar of yours however. Is it possibly a Dwarf Korean – Palibin? And yes, I could see the ‘heart’. I don’t know how you could capture the scent to keep. You would have to crush thousands to get the fragrance oils in any measurable quantity. You could try preserving them in a clear candle jel… for looks mostly. Good luck!

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